Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I wonder how long it will be before we are given permission by the self appointed , holier than thou ,rabid muslim "clerics"(maybe "cleric is too dignified an expression for savages of thier deluded persuasion) to resume our lawfull way of life and engage once again in my god given right,to democracy and free speech unhindered by alien foreign proscriptions.

IN any event what right have these unwanted,unassimilable ,ignorant barbarians,to invade my country,plunder its resources , and assume that we are under some sort of obligation to obey thier dictats, when civilisation is meaningless to them,as also human rights,individual liberty,and self determination are,except when compensation is involved,in which case there are no greater advocates.

what passes for a mind within these barbarians,who can insult my country, its people and its traditions,fight against it overseas, murder its citizens in the most cowardly manner imagineable, and after several years of killing its soldiers, sneak back into the country,that it has declared war upon,and claim all the welfare payments it missed while "on holiday absorbing its culture"in a war zone,and even get paid a large amount ,for appearing in left-wing propaganda programmes on our televisions,whilst playing the poor victim, when common sense should inform the authorities that the name traitor and the death penalty are the only fitting rewards for such conduct.

These immigrants come here, presumably to escape tyrannous islam, all the disgusting mutilation, and narrow-minded medieval fascism,but when they arrive, proceed to set up the system that they were fleeing from,it makes no sense to me or any rational human being, that after escaping all that vile oppression, that they would want to inflict it upon the nationthat gave them sanctuary,but such is the ignorant , vindictive, stone-age , ungratefull mind of islam.


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