Saturday, July 08, 2006


Poor MR Bevan,why did you work so long and tirelessly to give our returning heroes some semblance of a welfare state and a visible monument for the rest of the world to envy and emulate,a country fit for heroes and thier children,where the ability to pay did not preclude the basic human necessities of a decent life and good health.
Where is your dream, albeit a counter to communism,now in the year 2006,where because of political chicanery,and inferior mens lust for power,your work is largely undone.
Where now, the clean efficient disciplined hospitals,run by people who viewed thier careers as a vocation, and took thier responsibilities seriously,with care and compassion.
Why did medical science , eradicate a whole text-book full of serious diseases,only to re-introduce them ,now that our anti-biotics no longer work due to over prescription, ricketts, tuberculosis,even bubonic plague has made a comeback, due to the incompetence of well educated idiots,we now have more and far more deadly diseases being introduced to our shores because of a reluctance by the authorities, to screen people upon thier arrival,in case it is seen as racism,what is racist about self-protection and minimizing the suffering of our own people, just because a negro parasite has ebola,must i have it too?
Now our once glorious NHS is on the verge of utter ruin,engineered by the administrations displacement of our medical professionals,in favour of greedy immigrants with little medical acumen and very dodgy degrees issued in some backward hell-hole,and passed off as clinical competence, and our people are paying the price.
MR BEVAN ,last year in the NHS ,almost a million already suffering people were victims of third world negligence and butchery,indifferently written off as "mistakes"to preserve the multi-cult delusion,and assuage the ignorance of the perpetrators,974,000 people, and 2,181 did not survive thier encounter with these primitive quacks, whos command of medical knowledge is equalled , by thier inability to communicate to any reasonable degree in our language,they have brought thier third world standards to a first world society,so do not become ill in England, where your health is of secondary importance to the barbarians lust for a shinny mercedes.


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