Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The tyranny is global,everywhere in the civilised world,the people are unconciously in the thrall of the same malignant cancer called "cultural marxism".
"Workers of the world unite",though marx himself never deigned to do any,but was content to live off his fellow parasites,who in thier turn lived off the back of everyone else.Work has never been a high priority for communist agitators,who prefer to leave it to the peasants that they tyrannise,subjugate and repress,and whom they feed with lies and falsehoods,promising a glorious future,not to the worker but to themselves.
It seems that in England in 2009,few people have woken up to the realization that none of the apparatus of this country works properly any more or even works for the benefit of the indigenous English people,the administration seems impatient for the English people to die,or to hasten thier demise by encouraging breeding with uncivilised,semi-human negroes or illiterate wogs from the cesspits of the east,and for those of us that manage to survive, they have planned to implant that little device, in the top right corner,though while not as obviously brutal as the tattoo,serves an identical purpose,this little chip (rfid)is implanted under the skin and will be used for everything pertaining to your existence,bank account,health service,criminal convictions,in fact nothing can be accessed without it,and if you show any dissent or have the wrong politics, your masters will simply turn it off ,and you will become a non person,an outcast of society,a pariah.
The unions who care only for extorting the dues from thier members,in order to live extravigantly ,in the lap of luxury,applaud every measure that discriminates against the indigenous people of this country to rob them of thier employment,proclaiming that a foriegners right to work in this country comes before the indigenous workers,and must keep out of the way and get used to unemployment,unless a significant number of workers strike unofficially,by passing the unions,then they come scurrying back to maintain the pretense that they are working on behalf of the workers,although they had agreed terms with the foreign bosses to disenfranchise the English workers months before.
Councils have become modern day robber barrons,whos only interest is again thier inordinate renumeration,while inflicting every humiliation and caluminy upon thier communities should they fail to observe thier illegal diktats or offer the slightest opportunity to impose fines unjustly upon them,this they pretend is civic duty ,while they can lose billions of pounds of our money by investing thier surpluses in financially insecure foreign banks without even an apology,and then have the unmittigated gaul to increase the poll tax to recover thier losses,otherwise thier pension fund might suffer.Twenty-five % of your poll tax is absorbed by thier pension funds,insulating them from the excesses that the ordinary family has to deal with that were caused by the so very intelligent bankers who have just pulled off the biggest robbery in history.
The new world order is gathering pace as the totalitarian elite realize that they can do whatever they please since there is no opposition from the people,and demonstrate thier global treason in the full light of day,media propaganda will take care of any dissent,discrediting the disidents with slanders such as racism,xenophobia,fascism,for the elite own the media and can force it to print whatever it chooses,while they gradually steal your freedom under the pretext of terrorism,global warming,but the agenda is always control.
The police are the physical extension of thier power,too afraid to uphold the law in case it jeopardises thier pensions,they carry out the agenda of thier masters,irrespective of the damage that they do to our democracy,or to us,it is no longer a partnership between the public and the police by consent,they have destroyed any trust that may have once existed by thier abitrary use of the laws which always apply to white English people but seldom to foreign parasites.The spectacle of the police running away from a crowd of muslims ,while being bombarded with all sorts of missiles was pathetic to behold,but when it is a crowd of white people they go in all batons flailing and arrest any-one that moves,quite rightly the public has lost all confidence in them.
Is your country worth defending for the future of your offspring,is it worth the effort needed to make it a decent place to live once again,or would you rather be bar-coded or chipped,the property of the elite,it will take all of us to make a difference,will you try?


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