Predictable,that the jew Cameron,would bow to the demands of international jewery ,and saddle the English,with more workshy retards to feed, clothe, medicate and attempt to educate,while this violent scum rob,rape and murder the English people.
We hear nothing but the "poor refugee"who has struggled to cross thousands of miles,to reach the Englishmans wallet,and take their ease at his expense,but we never hear about the poor English who live miserable lives, homeless,upon our streets,as our "representatives" give all available housing to all and any piece of violent filth that crawls up our beaches,how is mass invasion of any benefit to the English people,where is the fairness that is so close to our hearts,but that we are not allowed to avail ourselves of,because our "representatives"are certain that the English are so foolish that they will not protest,and ironically the English people voted for this ,as they do every five years.
If I had wanted to live with greedy, violent ,homicidal retarded niggers and wogs I would have gone to live in the east,amongst them,but this invasion benefits only the criminal invader,there is no plus for the indigenous English,who must stand by as a spectator while his administration who should be concentrating upon his needs,robs him of everything that once belonged to every English citizen,and gives it all away to all who demand entry to our country,who hate us,and long to destroy us.
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