Thursday, March 16, 2006



We are now living existences , that are meaningless , without the possibility of any future improvement , either in our quality of life or reasonable prospects of any kind of contentment.

The rights and responsibilities that we once thought were ours have been taken from us , our civilized society all but destroyed , and our country invaded , and all this with absolutely no benefit to the citizens , who through the past decades , have fought wars and paid taxes , under the misguided notion that they would be secure amongst their own countrymen , and their well developed social structures would be of benefit to them in their declining years.

Without reference to the will of the English people, all this has been swept away , by a tyrannical gang of Marxist traitors , who have usurped democratic power , and imposed a police state , outlawed free speech and any right to object , subverted the press , and reduced the English people to the status of second class citizens , whilst filling the country with every kind of primitive barbarian , criminal , sexual pervert , and indolent backward parasite that can manage to crawl here through our dismantled borders , to live a life of ease , at our expense and that of our children’s future , changing our social structures to suit their own convenience , soaking up our resources at an unreplenishable rate , committing every kind of abhorrent crime , with out any meaningful consequences , and what seems to be the blessing of the bliar regime , while our own people are subjected to the full weight of the law , for any wrongdoing.

All the while beating us with the stick of racism , which only operates in one direction , that of English against foreigner , according to the political kant , they are incapable of being racist towards us , and if anything of that nature does occur , it can not be racist because we are classed as a “non valid victim group ”so when they kill us it is simply murder , and not even reported in any newspapers , while the reverse becomes a media frenzy for weeks and eventually the immigrant victim is elevated to the status of sainthood , and marches are held , even statues are erected because of such an awful hate crime , and yet the peculiarity of it all is that we as a nation had very little crime of any sort before we were invaded .

Times change , and the world moves on , which we accept , but this is not progress , this is not improving the lives of our people , this is condemning all our people to existences based upon the savagery of a foreign jungle , not a civilised state , one thing is clear we must oppose and remove from power these political criminals while we still can , because life under these conditions is not worth the struggle.


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