Sunday, July 23, 2006


IF some-one repeatedly threatens to kill you,push you out of your country and enslave your children, prohibits any critisizm of thier right to murder your fellow countrymen and introduce a barbaric savage intollerant code of theocratic rule which you must adhere to under pain of bloody execution,repress the natural rights of the femail members of your society,cover your country with thier vile religion in the form of mosques, allow the leaders of your church to disparige and denigrate your religion in favour of an alien cult of death,go abroad to fight against your country and its soldiers and be welcomed upon your return by traitors with no penalty in case it infringes thier human rights,disregard the laws of the land and show utter contempt for you and your way of life, emphatically reject any notion of integration,dress in medieval costumes that are not in the least suited to your climate,defraud your welfare state,refuse to work and live on the fat of your land at your expense, engage in violent murders , rapes and drug dealing, take over whole cities and proclaim them no- go areas for the indiginous majority,recieve tax- payers funding for terrorist organizations from your treasonous government,celebrate the atrocities of your enemies in the streets of your country against innocent victims who have no more say in the "democratic" process of your country than an earthworm, and accept all of this from a three million strong minority of backward parasitic invaders,then i can only conclude that you long for your own destruction and would rather live as a slave than a free man.
The masochistic amongst you may be excited at the prospect of subservience, but for the rational educated westerner who values freedom more than a cheap sexual thrill, it sticks in the nostrils like a rotten stench , that emanates from the gutless population that is too afraid to live and too frightened to die, you have wasted your ancestors sacrifices and buried your heads in the sand, what a sad end for a once great people!


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