Sunday, July 29, 2007


It is the right of every Englishman to decide upon,by vote, which kind of political system he shall live under,for he must consent to it otherwise it is nothing but tyranny, he also has the right to freely decide upon the future governance of his country in concert with his fellow countrymen, this is called democracy.
Over the last ten years however , we have witnessed and been subjected to, a wholesale departure from this principle,so that now the whole precept of the soverignty of the people has been usurped and discarded by treasonous politicians,who regard the people as less than vassals, no longer citizens but subjects,an irellevance,that they go through the pretense of listening to, but that any views other than thiers are the utterances of the feeble-minded and the morally infirm.
The latest in a whole littany of crimes against the English people is the unelected scotsman, whom not one English person has voted for , that is pretending to be our prime-minister,without any shred of a mandate, presumes to deny our people any say whatsoever, upon our future, that of our children,and of our nation.Such an attitude speaks volumes of his comtempt for us, it is indefensible that in these days we are being stripped of our lawfull rights, while for every-one else who has insinuated themselves into our country at our expense these rights are inviolable.
By what right does gauleiter brown deny the English people thier right to self-determination?His predecessor committed british troops,predominatly Englishmen, to conflicts in every part of the world,to gurantee that right to many oppressed peoples, why are we somehow unworthy of similar respect?
Do not remain silent and let this foreign tyrant ride roughshod over centuries of social progress,it is every-ones duty to assert the rights of the English people,we have every right to conduct our affairs as we choose, we are not commodities to be bought and sold to the highest bidder, we are free men,but we will not be for much longer unless each one of us asserts that freedom,power belongs to us , it is our birthright which resides in the will of the people,do not let these parasites in westminster rob you of it, let them know that the English people rule here, not scotland, not europe but us,and we have a right to exist without foreign interference as we wish.
please join us in London and let your voice be heard, no matter what political persuasion you hold,this issue of assimilation into the totalitarian eu concerns you all, for if the tyrants succeed everything that you possess will be swept away ,most of all your freedom,you must resist .
follow the link and do your duty to your descendants!


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