Thursday, January 04, 2007


This country,England,belongs to the English people , who over the many centuries have made a commitment in effort and blood ,to ensure its continuance as a decent civilised society, both for themselves and thier posterity.
This nation did not suddenly spring into being,as some virgin territory,unpopulated,to be peopled ,by disparate races who through thier indolence and lack of moral fiber have made themselves unwelcome in thier own countries ,who instead of working for the improvement of thier countrymen and thier homeland, scurry abroad with a host of excuses,to become parasites upon anothers hard work and civic organisation, it took long ages of co-operation and political enlightenment to achieve some semblance of a civilised society,where the weaker members were cared for by the strong,and guranteed them thier just rights.
This country is not a multi-cultural one, however hard the traitors in high office ,pretend and try to foster such a lie,it belongs to the English people,who through the deceit and duplicity of greedy men,have been forced to endure all manner of backward ,uncivilised , ignorant criminals ,being forced upon them,under the pretext that they come for a better life,and so it is ,for them,but we are the ones paying the price,both financially and socially and at the cost of the future of our children.
Despite the lies and purile propaganda of the ruling cabal , the English people are the majority, in this thier country,and yet they are ignored,all we constantly hear is what foreigners like or dislike,approve of or condemn,when it is the wishes of the English people that should be paramount in any decisions on the future of thier country,but they have been marginalised,bullied,threatened and brainwashed by interminable propaganda,to make them cowed and afraid to express what in all justice is thier god given right to self -determination.
Where is the benefit to the ordinary Englishman ,his wife and family,as hourdes of unwanted foreign savages loot our country,killing, raping and terrifiying our old folk,putting ordinary man out of work,so that these barbarians can take thier livelyhoods,for no rational reason other than it is in the interests of the already wealthy,who can not bus these slavic scum here quick enough.
Where is the benefit to our people, of our once orderly streets being filled with subnormal miscreants who hide thier faces ,while calling for our deaths,who constantly insult us , by telling us that they are taking over and that we no longer matter,and we must live as they decide according to thier primitive medieval superstition.
Will your children and your grand-children ,thank you for doing nothing to prevent thier enslavement to a filthy alien cult, or thier subjugation to undemocratic rule by marxist despots in brussels,whom we can not vote out of office,since they were never elected in the first place.
Are you happy to pay inordinate ammounts of money,your taxes to free-loading negroes,who were never slaves, but see your government inflicted guilt as an easy way to recieve money for nothing, are you happy that these animals can kill at will and the police "in the interests of community cohesion"turn a blind eye? will you for once vote in your own interests,instead of the decietful dogmas of the established political parties?Talk to your friends,talk to every-one, stir them up and let us change things for your benefit,instead of pandering to savage foreign "sensitivities".
This is your country, take it back from the criminals who care nothing for you or your childrens future, vote nationalist , while there is still time, before your nation disappears forever!


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