Quality of Life?

What we see are not mistakes,nor failures in the system,but a concerted attack upon the wealth of the people,to impoverish and defraud,robbing us of our freedom of action and rendering us powerless,in order to impose upon us thier new world order,for who can oppose them when they are destitute and thier families are sinking into poverty,when they become supplicants to the state,and to the pressure generated by unemployment and the need to feed thier children.
The same is true of the destruction of our once peacefull and law-abiding society,which is another strand in the agenda of this corrupt elite,this is no failure on the part of our administrations,but a sucessfull policy,since all of thier policies are designed to fail,to make our lives more desperate with time,until we are forced to accept whatever our masters dictate for us,until the people clamour for any relief,any way of relieving thier personal distress,even though it means surrendering to thier despotic totalitarian rule,they will beg for draconian controls,even though the remedy will be worse than the disease,the people will discard all of thier political,human and social rights for the illusiory promise of a better world,which will be a better world only if you are a member of the elite or if you are useful to them,the rest of us will continue to exist in degradation and poverty,condemned to try and survive in a third world jungle,which used to be our country,and if we are not dispatched prematurely by the worlds vibrant parasites,who only come here for a better life,namely yours,our masters will at some point soon decide that we are usless eaters and exterminate us.
For once you give this criminal elite the power to decide our individual fates,the game is over,forever,and any dissent will be viewed as illegal and anti-social,for after all did not the people themselves vote and demand these measures?are not people who demand freedom and the right to determine thier own futures,disruptive of the social goods?who then will be safe from the tyranny of the elite,as they stimulate and direct the aggression of the mob,against any-one who does not or will not believe thier orchestrated lies?
Can you not already see this disgusting abuse in action,from holohoax "trials" to anti-immigration witch hunts,endless "crime" programmes on the television in which any-one of us could feature if we do not obey the politisized police,designed to instill fear and terror into a peaceful people who are being dispossed of thier land,merely to increase the wealth of those already obscenely rich,freedom of speech,although enshrined in the undhr,is ritually ignored or abused,unless in the interests of the political cadres,it will only get worse if you continue to vote them into power,and with every vote you throw away another piece of your rightfull sovereignty
and the right to a descent life for your children,care for your aged,and the right to your own self-determination.If you wish your nation to be healed and recover from this malignancy,you must reject the gang of three at the ballot,only then will we have any chance of driving this scourge from our country and stand in the sunlit uplands that we were all promised,and which only unity can achieve,tomorrow belongs to you,do not waste it,vote for your people!
I will certainly not be wasting my vote on the 4th of June. I have also got as many of my extended family to vote the same way,BNP. We need to reclaim our country now and although it could turn unpleasant it is nothing to what the alternative is likely to be.
Well said EiW,this could well be our last chance,but things are rolling and what we all need now is enthusiasm,this is the turning point,and the English people are irresistable when thier backs are against the wall,England and ST george!
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