Monday, February 19, 2018

After slaving for weeks ,capitulating to the Brussels totalitarians,daisy may took a well earned break,and capitulated to the disgusting primatives who desire our deaths.
This traitor could hardly wait to get the rag around its duplicitous head and grovel on sight to the enemies of all free thinking people,besmirching the office of prime minister with this sickening display of abject cowardice,and people call this a leader!
This dhimmi is intent upon destroying brexit,the English peoples last chance at anything approaching a meaningfull free democratic existence,as are most of her party,who for the last year have stayed awake at nights desperately dreaming up ways to defeat the will of the majority of honest English people.
For the last fourty years successive administrations have deliberately lied to us,firstly heath the paedophile,who brazenly told us on tv "there will be no loss of sovereignty for our country",now nothing could be further from the truth as we can all see.To be followed by years of paedophiles and perverts spouting the same garbage ,all the while behind our backs ,in secret they continued dismantling our country,six "treaties"which abolished our councils,monarchy,and our right to exist as independent citizens in peace and prosperity.
Simultanously the Westminster traitors,began giving away our country to any and every piece of foreign scum that crawled up our beaches,totally without any thought for the English people,indeed their design was to drown us in wogs, niggers and any other primitive .backward tribesmen that they could lay their hands on.Now, no-one ever says "but what about the English people",it is as if we had never existed,we have been marginalized,our rights and expectations have been ignored with enthusiasm,by those we entrusted to perform the first rule of government,which is the protection and welfare of the ENGLISH people,we have been abandoned in favour of criminal educationally sub-normal parasites,who rape our young women,engage in abomidable cruel practices,and commit crime,since work seems to be taboo to them,and they have too much time on their hands,and still the muslim lackey pictured above,imports half a million more each and every year,while pretending to control do your worst and we will do our best,remember WE WILL FIGHT YOU if you betray us again.


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