Sunday, March 19, 2006


THERE must be something in the water, to produce complete and total amnesia of this order.
TWO years ago we witnessed a cynical attempt to pretend that our system of government was democracy, by going through the motions of a referendum , on wether the people of England wished thier country to be politically vivisected, into nine featureless wriggling entities,thrashing about in political obscurity for control of the largest amount of protien in the form of EU bribery,kickbacks, and a sorting office full of anonomous brown well filled envelopes.

the rational citizens of the north west duly voted against regional assemblies by 3 to 1, a very convincing ratio , and a sentiment shared by the majority of English people, who as yet only had a vague impression of labours contempt for democracy.The people of the north east were jubilant , unaware that the decision had been taken several years before, in brussels, and the bliar regime were meerly carrying out thier orders.IT was a very thick smoke screen since the RA in the south east had been in operation from 1999, secretly siphoning our council taxes ayway from our communities, for use by the brussels commisars who stealthily set themselves up in plush offices,immune from our laws , taxes and the knowledge of the man in the street,who every april wondered why his taxes were rising so alarmingly and his services were shrinking.
this happened all across the country , councils plotted together,and elected themselves members of thier particular RAs,in antisipation of of the EURO deluge that was forecast in reward for thier scheeming,and carrying out thier secret directive to disenfranchise the ordinary Englishman from any hope of power,or a voice in his future,these traitors have set up private limited companies to conduct the profitable businessof building 1.5 million homes in the southeast, and lest any-one should accuse them of sticky fingers, they can disclaim any knowledge of irregularities connected with it.

Last year was the first year that these illegal , criminal bodies have admitted how much of our money they have stolen, but only for that year,the amount for the period when they were acting in secret, is so well concealed that they all feign ignorance, but add it up for yourself, and multiply by six years.


SCottish further education funding council 500m
NAT COUNCIL education and training WALES 500m

AS far as i can see , no-one apart from Neil Herron is aware or interested in this flagrant violation of our democratic principle, perhaps it is true that we get the government that we deserve, PRESCOTT:"its a democracy , not a dictatorship, for gods sake" if only that were true.


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