Saturday, July 29, 2006


How long will we continue to be willing victims?Our whole brain-washed nation races inexorably toward its destruction without a murmer of opposition.It seems that the English nation is to be completely expunged from the history of the world,a hated tribe with no past,no future and no history,and like the jews we aquiess in our destruction with absolutely no resistance.
The latest attack uopn the English nation has just been revealed by our treacherous masters in the form of a quango, eroneously named "the commission for multi-ethinic britain"and suitably composed of the enemies of the English people,foreigners and home grown traitors,whos hatred for us is second only to thier conceit and self-agrandizment,have published thier latest dictat,which bears within it,the blueprint for the eradication of us and all things English,as it pronounces upon what to do with this vileness that pretends to be the rightfull indiginous population of England,and spoils the careing, loving, peacefull invaders vision of what they want our country to become,and our "representatives"whole-heartedly support and encourage thier villification of us and our society.
"The commission has concluded that "britishness" has "systematic, largely unspoken,racial connotations"The report said britain should be formally "recognized as a multi-cultural society" "whos history MUST be revised,rethought, or JETTISONED!"
I know geographically where the British isles are, but what is this thing called "britishness",a few weeks ago Brown was telling us to embrace this notion of "britishness"whilst waving our flag of ST GEORGE, his quango is now of a different opinion!The indiginous MAJORITY population of this country is English and live in a country called England, and have done for almost two thousand years,if not longer in some cases,and there is no racism amongst a population, who share the same history, language,genetics,social aspirations and national self-determination,until we are told that we no longer have any right to be who we are,and the country that our ancestors secured for us, is no longer ours,and our way of life must be destroyed because a massive unwanted invasion of third world immigrants find that it is not to thier liking.This is not a multi-cultural society,this is England which possesses a unique rich culture of its own,it needs no "enhancement"by primitive tribalism,indeed if these foreign "cultures"are so desireable,why have these"diverse and vibrant"cultures not made a success of thier own countries,as we have of ours?
The suggestion that our history must be revised, rethought or jettisoned,is not only racist toward the English people,it is a subversion and a supreme insult to many years of academic progress and truth, scientific enquiry and technological advancement,and it is notable that the phillistines advocating such a thing,are incapable of a similar standard of excellence and freedom of thought.Our history is a glorious example of free men and women who pushed back the frontiers of our knowledge,eradicated superstition and explored the world and are now exploring the universe.Where are these barbarians similar accomplishments?where is thier technology?where are thier welfare states?It is a measure of thier stupidity that after all our history these savages have learned nothing from us,our forefathers did not sit under a tree waiting for a handout,they cultivated agriculture across the world,often starting with nothing but thier own determination, and from these beginings evolved great nations,the envy of the world.
We the English are under attack not only from within our country,but also from the illigitimate communist eu,which assumes the right to tyrannise us although unelected and unaccountable,not only has bliar sold us to this criminal organization,but not these despots are intent upon selling us all to the disgusting cult of death and slavery known as islam.
In the "eu parliament"a genteel term for the supreme soviet,yet more spineless excuses for rational men rear thier pusilanimous heads, this one by the name of hans gert pottering,who dreams of our subservience to the ignorant islamic retards, stated "that school textbooks should be reviewed for intollerant depictions of islam by experts overseen by eu and islamic leaders"There is nothing on this earth as intollerant as these medieval savages with thier endlessly holier than thou ways of murdering people and blaming it on thier moon god,but this fool expects us to tollerate them and all thier vileness.islam is the enemy of truth ,freedom and democracy and if not vigourously resisted,will plunge the whole of humanity into the same criminal insanity that its adherents revel in.


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