Sunday, August 19, 2007

Feeding time.

For all those English football fans who intend to travel to south africa for the world cup,for your own safety,and that of your companions,save your money and watch it on television.
From the moment that you land,you will be a target, because of your affluence,forget the pc tripe that you have been fed in this country about the noble negro,you will be diving into a pool of sharks that has just heard the dinner bell,and the feeding frenzy will begin,look around you in this country to see what unspeakable brutality the negro is capable of on the flimsyiest of pretexts and ask yourself if you really want to place yourself in the midst of fourty million of them, thier inate disposition to savage violence is the same in whichever country they live in,only more pronounced when they are in the majority.
It has only taken them fourteen years ,to reduce a once prospreous first world country into an economic cripple, and the woolly minded dream that was advocated so violently by the red peace queers turned out to be a giant illusion,so much so that those who shouted loudest for majority rule could not get out quick enough,and miraculuosly found jobs in the british government, and now live in white enclaves as far away from the simian criminals as possible,why do you think that is?

south african crime statistics for the year 2006
Assaults: 535,461
Car thefts: 99,963
Kidnappings: 11
Murders: 21,995
Murders with firearms: 31,918
Rapes: 53,000
Total crimes . (reported) 3,422,740 + 20% increase every year.

Are you surprised that none of the news from south africa never reaches your newspaper?why did you not read of the recent demonstration in London by south african emigres,protesting outside the south african embassy about the appalling levels of crime that are rampant and growing daily in thier country, especially against whites?Did any of you think that once accomplished majority rule would not be a licence for revenge?And you still want to go there?
Then please read the south african newspapers and the south african blogs ,and become properly aquainted with the situation existing in that desperate country.

thanks to for the above information.

"Never,never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another"

mandela ,nobel peace prize 1993 .


At 9:47 AM , Blogger Sir Henry Morgan said...


I take it you've had a good root through this one? I have - and some parts of our major cities are themselves beginning to look a bit like this.

At 9:50 AM , Blogger Sir Henry Morgan said...

Subscript to the photo-blog I linked to above:

"" A Blog illustrating the collapse and physical destruction of Johannesburg in the "New South Africa" -- the things that tourists are NOT told about. ""

A look through it ought to ensure that no football fans go there under any illusions.

At 12:16 PM , Blogger Sir Henry Morgan said...

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At 3:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said. I correspond with a few mates in England and they cannot understand just how dumb and brainwashed the English are.
What I do understand, and the mistake whites in South Africa made, is to think that blacks (as a group) share white values. They do not.
For that reason I empathise with the average Englishman, only because he really does not know, and when he finds out, it will be too late.
Already, many of your cities are swamped by persons who dont care about those values that made you great.
Just recently your Red Arrows team was forbidden to fly because they were deemed too British. That is totally amazing...but, when your kids grow up, its game over for you guys. By that time we in SA will also probably cease to exist and just another African basket case.
The Frogs are starting to catch a wake up as well as the Dutch. I believe there are already areas where you dont go as a white. Long been the case here.
Anyway, keep warning your mates - if they do come to SA, the likelihood of being robbed is very high. Being severely injured or killed - well, you are really and truly at risk.
Our conviction rate is two percent - so of every 100 crimes committed, only 2 are caught and convicted - thats why crime pays in SA.
Remember, you are coming to Africa. We might not have lions wandering the streets, but we have savages who WILL kill you for your cell phone - no BS!!
You dont have any idea of where to go - where is safe and where not. You will be told not to worry. Do not for one second believe our spin doctors. We South Africans are waiting to see if the Cup will be held here, but if so, the mess that will result due to crime perpetrated on tourists will be fascinating.

At 3:47 AM , Blogger ENGLISHMAN said...

Doodler, thanks for the comment, none of the aware English people can understand why , when presented with the reality of our situation , the sheep continue to vote for the scum in power at the moment, and with a non opposition called the conservative party,it looks as if the fools will do it again, i recently emailed a radio station which is giving a prize for a competition of two weeks in SA, asking them to at least give the entrants some warning of the situation , but was ignored , even the foreign office gives a caution to travellers,but i am afraid that the people are so far gone ,that reason is wasted on them, but i shall continue to do what i can to open thier eyes,thank you.


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