Sunday, October 07, 2007


From jerusalem to constantinople,from rhodes to malta,from byzantium to vienna, the muslim has waged his war against us for more than a thousand years,and from time to time he has feigned peace, but only for the purposes of re-grouping and gaining strength in preparation for the next assault upon us,and his hatred of us is enshrined within the koran,one of the seven pillars of evil islam.
This perpetual war that we have inherited has not been brought about by the events of the past fourty years,that is meerely pretext,to assume the moral high ground,if there be any in muslim atrocities,this is an old struggle that our ancestors have thwarted many times,because they knew that no accomodation was possible with islam, and that to survive they had to be as ruthless as thier stone age adversaries,and they recognised that there were no moderate muslims only muslims that were prepared to wait and bide thier time until they considered themselves strong enough once again to resume hostilities,so it is today,only now they can not believe that thier enemy has opened his gates and welcomed them inside, to live at his expense and given them access to his levers of power,priviliged status,and the encouragement to dominate all areas of our society, we have allowed him the oportunity to hold a dagger at our throats,and although many of the cowards have realised what they have done, they lack the moral fiber to confront thier mistake and control the menace that they have unleashed upon us.
When thier leaders judge that the time is right,when they have plundered and de-stabilised our society,when these areas that they occupy have grown large enough and removed the indiginous occupants completely,when one day thier demands are refused, then we will have conflict on our streets as they attempt to take absolute control of our country.In every country of europe and america also, there are large regiments of muslims , waiting for the order from the middle east, they may have different passports , but all are a part of the same army, an islamic army, dedicated to our utter extinction and we are now surrounded,your murderer lives next door,he may smile and say hello to you when you meet,but only to lull you into a false sense of security, to keep you off guard,meanwhile he is busy corrupting your children with drugs,defrauding the public purse,grooming your daughters,his children are roaming your streets in gangs killing and robbing , the defenceless and the old,whenever they feel the need for amusement ,and distributing this years bumper crop of opium, a law unto themselves for the police have long since turned a blind eye to thier transgressions, for fear of the race card and thier own pensions.
Citizens, why do you deny the truth that is before your eyes,these are not your countrymen,they come as conquerers,do you think that your lives will continue in the same way once they have control,already English people are excluded from muslim dominated areas and this will only increase as they raise an inordinate number of offspring on your taxes and annex more and more of our country,we must rid ourselves of this imposed burden,if you vote lib/lab/con you will condemn your children forever to a life of servitude at the hands of retarded savages whose only aim is to impose thier insanity upon the world.
If islam were peaceful ,what would be the need of advertising it on the sides of buses?who but people with ulteriour motives would constantly declare how peaceful they are, if the contrary was not everpresent in thier minds,and who would constantly declare that they intend to take over your country and not use violence to achieve thier aim?


At 8:50 AM , Blogger Bantu Education said...

Hi Englishman.....
I'm also English but have been living in SA since 1991. I am planning to return to the UK next year (for most of the year) and intend to support the BNP.

I haven´t had time to read much of your blog, but everything you say here is 100% true and very well put..!!

Not wanting to nitpick, but there are 5 pillars of Is-slum, not 7.
If I can recall them they are, in no particular order -

1.Reading the evil texts daily.
2.Prostrating to satan 5 times a day.
3.Charity, provided it is restricted to other worshippers of Beelzebub.
4.Pilgrimage to satans sandpit (Mecca) at least once in a life.
5. Fasting (Ramadan)

At 2:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Jihadists breed like rats, get priority housing for their swarms of offspring, import more cousin-wives and breed even more.

Kuffar couples want a decent house before having kids, keep getting pushed to the bottom of the list, can't afford to buy, and even when they can the woman can't afford to stop work.

Result: Kuffar population declines while jihadist infestation spreads like a plague.

At 9:22 AM , Blogger ENGLISHMAN said...

Hello bantu,thank you for your comments,as for nit-picking all i can say is oopps!memory fails sometimes.After living in SA for some years you must be a valuable mine of information, especially first hand information,you really must get your message out to the people over here,how about blogging,?

At 12:34 PM , Blogger Bantu Education said...

I can concur with what Najistani says. Anyone who has spent any time in the fly-blown sandpits of Is-slum knows that unmarried muslim males(and even older married ones) are sexually frustrated to the point of dementia.

On virtually any street groups of their "men" can be seen holding their crutches whilst staring obsessively at whatever passes. And if what is passing is un-veiled or un-chadored women - and ESPECIALLY western and even more so BLONDE women, then they frequently (so I have been told by reliable informants) jerk themselves off there and then IN PUBLIC..!!

On the streets of Tehran, during the Shah´s ill-fated attempt at rapid westernisation, I have seen young teenage boys grab at the tits of passing girls.

More recently in a tailors shop in Aqaba, Jordan, under the pretence of showing my girlfriend some item of apparel, the dirty old man fondled her breasts whilst giggling like a schoolboy. She was so surprised she didnt even exclaim out to me - she only told me after we left the shop afraid that I would "make a scene", which I would have done. They anyway know that westerners are not going to make a complaint to their corrupt police "farce".

I´m sure Mohammed (surely the greatest evil genius in history..!) deliberately designed the sadistic sexual mores of Is-slum in order to create legions of crazily frustrated "men" who would then be only to willing to engage in permanent jihad against infidels in order that they could justify killing the men and raping and enslaving their women.

Is-slum not only permits but encourages their "holy warriors" to rape and defile infidels, justifying their actions by claiming them to be "agents of satan", whereas the truth of course is the exact opposite.

It is the same when blacks claim that "only whites are racist, and only whites CAN be racist..!" And their white liberal arse-lickers - the so-called "anti-racists" and "anti-apartheid" moral crusaders - in fact it is they not us who are the real racists...!!

At 3:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Islam is the only religion which is more obsessed with unbelievers than it is with its own followers. Muslims define their own identity solely in opposition to the Kuffar. Islamic accomplishments are so negligible that they have no positive cultural features with which they can identify. Hence the unceasing and implacable aggression toward civilized peoples and envy of their accomplishments. The development
and deliberate cultivation of hatred
is such a central feature of Islam that there is nothing that we
Kuffars can do, or not do
, that would make our univited guests hate us any less or any more.

Rage is so intrinsic to Islam that external events are irrelevant. Hatred of non-Moslems is the pivot of Islamic existence. Muslims are bound together by a shared and carefully nurtured animosity to 'The Other' developed from earliest childhood, which ignites a permanent fire of tension between Moslems and non-Moslems. Ever since Jihadists started immigrating into the West, we have become all too familiar with concepts such as 'Killing the unbelievers wherever you find them' and the tribal polarities of Dar al-Harb versus Dar al-Islam , Ummah versus Kuffar etc.

This venom manifests not only as highly publicised murderous attacks - 9/11, 7/7, Beslan, Madrid, Bali etc but as less well publicised local instances of 'street-jihad' - small scale SJS murders, child abductions , rapes and general gangsterism. Muslims do not necessarily want to kill all unbelievers, since Muslim culture is predatory and parasitic and
incapable of sustaining itself. Large numbers of non-Muslims have always been kept as 'dhimmis' - second
class citizens who supported their indolent masters by their labour and payment of the crippling 'jizya' -
the infidel poll tax. But if the kuffar is not killed, it is essential that he must be thoroughly humiliated.

is very important in Islam - second only to killing. Humiliation of the kuffar takes a number of forms:

1) Dhimmitude - economic
and social oppression
bordering on slavery.

(2) Sexual predation - historical white
and modern day pedophile rings and rape of 'uncovered

(3) Cultural humiliation - muslim cultural triumphalism and destruction of the kuffars' culture.

Most counter-jihadists are familiar with humiliation
by dhimmitude
and Islamic sexual predation, but cultural humiliation doesn't get as much publicity in the blogosphere, and yet it is a growing danger that deserves far more attention.

At first sight the idea of muslim cultural triumphalism seems absurd. Dar al-Islam produces nothing of any cultural significance that Dar al-Harb wants . But the fact that they have nothing to offer doesn't stop them imposing their cultural presence with domineering and triumphalist structures.

The main expression of cultural supremacism in Europe is the building of large, aggressive 'in-yer-face' mosques in prominent locations. For example, the London megamosque will be next to the
Olympic site
and will be many times bigger than any Christian building in London - an edifice of Stalinesque gigantomania . What Muslims lack in quality they attempt to make up for in size and numbers. Nevertheless, large piles of masonry still can't compensate for the inherent cultural barrenness of Islam, and the main effort in cultural humiliation is directed at destroying the kuffars' culture rather than creating anything new. Constant attempts are made to restrict the public celebration of traditional kuffar festivals, such as Halloween, Christmas and Easter.

Also, and most importantly, the religious artifacts of the Kuffar, especially 'idolatrous' images such as crosses, carvings, statues and stained glass windows, are regarded as Jahiliyya - worthless trash. Today, as all throughout its past, Muslims devalue the civilisations which they attempt to supplant through the defacing of ancient historical and religious sites. Any culture that is pre-Islamic is considered to be jahiliyya, that is, from " the time of ignorance .

As the European Jihadist population increases in number and expands outwards from its ghettos, we can expect escalating attacks on the physical remnants of our culture, especially sacred sites such as churches.

Eventually the architectural and artistic heritage of Europe will go the way of the Buddhas of Bamiyan. Islamic multiculturalism will not have produced 'vibrant cultural enrichment' but cultural desolation.


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