We constantly hear,from the "establishment authorities",those bodies which constantly interfere,in the daily lives of ordinary English people,for thier own political objectives,that whenever friction arises between indigenous English people and the venal foreign parasites who have invaded our country,that these savage retards,"have a right to be here",but exactly where does this "right" spring from?surely not the indigenous English population,since 80% of them do not want any of these violent criminals in our country,so it must be the administration that dispenses these "rights".If the majority of the English people are against immigration,and the administration are for immigration,then the administration is operating counter to the wishes of its people and is therefore illigitimate,treasonous and conducting the peoples business in the interests of its own personal agrandisement,to the benefit of a clique of profit motivated clients,whos interests lie in the exploitation of the ordinary English person.In bestowing these "rights" that it does not possess,it is usurping the soverignty of the English people.
We do not live in a country "owned by",the personal property of, any administration that contrives to use these offices to increase thier already obscene wealth,we live in a country wholly owned and belonging to the indigenous English people,and said people have never given the executive any mandate to give thier country away,therefore the administration has assumed perogatives,that it does not possess,is not entitled to,and act against the wishes of the English people,which in any country on this planet is known as treason.
We do not employ them to destroy our livelyhoods,our country, our culture or our childrens future,and thier descendants,we employ them to administer the business and affairs of the english people,to protect the english people,to improve the lives of the English people,nothing more.
Now here we are in a situation,where we have been defrauded of our inherent natural rights,our country plundered,its people delivered into the governance of a foreign communist totalitarian state,completely against the wishes and needs of its people,who now assume that they have these same "rights" that our administration usurped,and from all points of view are invalid,because the English people have been deliberately prevented from establishing its democratic wishes.
Plainly we no longer live in a democracy,the tri-axis parties have only one policy to offer to the English people,which is dispossession from our country,eradication of our culture,and dilution of our genetics until we cease to exist as a distinct people.
Will you continue to allow these criminals to compass your destruction?will you continue to swallow thier lies and propaganda untill they have stripped every power from you that you have,are you content to have tribes of maurading savages killing your ageing parents,raping your daughters,and draining the last of your wealth to pay for thier criminality,are you ENGLISHMEN?
I guess if everything you are saying is true you are looking forward to a landslide BNP victory at the election!.
Not long now eh!
As I see no reference to the B.N.P. throughout this entire blog, I invoke you with Godwins Law as it's without doubt, the message that your trying portray, you single issue Muppet.
Two weeks away from a general election and no mention of Nicky boy? Your yet another U.A.F. "Libertarian" me feels, that's infiltrated a right wing grouping, with his far left wing bile.
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