Who speaks for us?

We the English people,are at present enduring hour after hour of lies,misrepresentation and half truths from criminal traitors,masquerading as your elected representatives,who pretend,for the sake of thier bank balances and thier psychopathic egos,that they represent the interests of the indigenous people of England,though nothing could be further from the truth.
They need the veneer of "democracy" to delude the people into legitimising thier theft of our right to decide our future,to impose thier particular political dogma upon us,for once elected,they have no further use for us,and we have no further control of the political process,which is the failure of our political system,which freely encourages all parties to persue thier narrow agendas,to the exclusion of the peoples rights.The welfare and wellbeing of the indigenous population is immediately discarded upon election,if it was ever considered to begin with,and the power criminals proceed to defraud our state reserves and patronise thier business associates with lucrative contracts,the proceeds of which mysteriously find thier way into private accounts of party coffers.
So who speaks for us,the ordinary honest English people,the resounding answer is no-one,it is as if the indigenous majority is unworthy of any representation at all,as if they do not exist and have no legitimate right to,they are meerly grudgingly tollerated,but unrecognised,thier sole purpose is to provide taxes and fines,that are instantly squandered to fund a plethora of foreign parasite organisations,that grow fat to bursting upon the industry of the unmentionable indigenous English people,sucking the life-blood from our economy and channeling the proceeds to thier own foreign ghettoes,where it is actively used to destroy our country and way of life,disenfranchising the English people inch by inch,stealing our heritage with the collusion of the tri-axis mafia.
This mafia,this anti British raj,has arranged between them,the political agenda,so as to give no place to the English peoples legitimate concerns,for if all three of these criminal organisations,deliberately ignore certain issueswhilst preaching about anything except these issues,with the collusion of the establishment press,the peoples grievances are effectively suppressed and never recieve the publicity that a healthy democracy thrives on,and are left with only those issues that the three criminal parties wish to talk about or persue,which is diametrically opposed to any system of democracy that i am familiar with,and is simply a way of denying a proper constitutional outcome,in thier own interests.
When the multutude of third world wogs do not get thier own way,we have riots and destruction,followed by intense discussions with thier "community leaders" to rectify thier grievances,ususally by placating them with millions of your hard earned taxes,to the detriment of the majority indigenous population,but when the majority English population express thier legitimate grievances,it is instantly condemned as racism,and generally followed by a period of incarceration.
The fact and the problem is that ,we the indigenous population have been divided and isolated,by a process,begun by thatcher,and fed anabolic steroids by the communist party,that pits each man at his neighbours throat,into being more suspicious of our own countrymen,than we are of the degraded filth that has been allowed to invade our country,as part of the communist agenda.Divide and rule is as true today as it has ever been,and our countrymen seem convinced that thier kinsmen are indeed thier enemies,which is a victory for those that wish to destroy us.
Until the ordinary Englishman stops believing the communist propaganda,and stops treating his fellow countrymen as enemies,there can be no progress towards any of the vital interests of the English people,as with a disease the anti-bodies must coalese to fight off the infection,so must the body politic of the English nation,it is of no use hiding,pretending that this is not real,for very soon there will be absolutely no-where to hide,the communists will see to that.Can you not see that there is increasingly no room for the English people in England?and if you continue to fight amongst yourselves,within the next few years you will be no more?
Do not deluded by these meaningless "manifestos",they meerly describe the shape of the cell that you will be chained in,all three say only one thing,dispossession at the hands of the eussr with the connivance of the communist criminals,for they have given away that power that you gave them,that rightly belongs to you,your freedom belongs to you it is not derogated from these communist perverts,assert your freedom,join with your countrymen,together we will restore our country to the democratic civilised nation it was before it was wounded by the deluded arrogance of these depraved communists,one nation,one England,where English people live,in civilised peace.
There`s a lot of indigenousness going on.:-)
I've never come across this blog before, and I see that it's been going since 2006. Imagine my surprise then, when I access the comments section, and find you here spouting the same tired and sorry bollocks that you do at Holborns place.
You need to get around more. Unless you comment elsewhere, only a handful of others will ever find you. "I Am Stan" has no doubt honed in from the comment you left at "Ranting Rabs" place.
Yeah your right DGUTDJ,
After ENGLISHMEN butted in to a tiff I was having with someone else at Rabs,with some choice personal insults I thought Id come look at his gaff,and this paranoid shite is what I found.
So what are you boy? his dad,boy friend what?,or are you some no mark who writes fuck all on his own blog and just drifts around telling tales on others,you know like some little nasty school girl.
Come on then!!!
Dont give up the day job;thank you for your comments,those that wander this way are the true hearts,although there are a few foreign miscreants that mistakenly enter my door,they do not linger,as there is nothing for them here.If the primal cause wills it,others will come like yourself,and so i am content.
Englishman,despite your sad little insults over at Rabs place I told you I would put you on my blog roll and come visit,I also said I may not always agree with you but that would not mean we need to lower ourselves to petty name calling...
Now seeing as I`m one of two who have bothered to read your stuff and leave a comment perhaps you could show some of this noble civilised Englishness you keep bangin on about.
Or is it bullshit like it seemed to be at Rabs?.
Over to you!....
@ I Am Stan:
I seem to remember yourself, arguing with everyone who disagreed with the Dianne Abbott Indoctrination of school children video, As seen in the comments section here at Rabs
For "The Englishman", who may not have seen the video yet, then I'll Post it again here as so he can judge for himself, just what it was you were passionately disagreeing about, with absolutely everybody.
I'm regurgitating your own words, nothing more nothing less, just to show how duplicitous you actually are.
You really are a weird one.
So I disagreed with some other comments,guess what it happens,have a look around you`ll find other people disagreeing about all sorts of shit,and agreeing,so fucking what.
Like I said in my comments at Rabs Mp`s visit schools, and she is a popular Mp in her constituency ETC YADA YADA YADA.
Where`s the duplicity,where did I disagree in one place and agree in an other?,nowhere!.
Your talking shit,fact is your just kissing arse,at least I have the balls to say so if I disagree, even when I recieve pointless vile insults for my opinion from the likes of Englishman and his fellow back scratchers.
Stop kissing arse and grow a pair of bollocks of your own.
I Am Stan:
Kissing ass? You were here before me, I'm simply reacting to many of your comments around the blogosphere that contradict themselves consistently. Sometimes you come across as awfully "Libertarian", sometimes a Muppet for the Socialist agenda. It seems with you, it all depends upon which blog, and which cause you speaking on.
er! get over it pal!.....
Ah ,the divine communist abbot,strange how these immigrants have more intellect than einstien the moment that they set foot on our shores,must be the air,it is a great pity that "she" could not give her own people the benefit of her supreme intellegence,perhaps then they might evolve something approaching a civilised society,in a millenium or two,just like that superb example of racial harmony,south africa.
SOUTH AFRICA,you been?,I have and I love it,its a wild place,I`m going again for the footy....
Each to his own kind.
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