For over sixty years the various administrations of the English people,have been stealthily dis-engaging from any pretense that they are acting in the interests of the indigenous English people,now they have abandoned even this.
In the twelve months up to april 2010,1,032 people were detained and extradited,by the british police on the orders of european prosecutors,up from 683 in 08/09,and the home office expects this number to increase to 1,700 cases in the current year.Foreign prosecutors do not have to present any evidence to the British courts,they simply demand that the person be "surrendered".
Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Article7.1: "no-one shall be held guilty of any criminal offence on account of any act or omission which did not constitute a criminal offence under NATIONAL or international law at the time it was (alleged)committed"
Article 17:"nothing in this convention may be interpreted as implying for any STATE,group or person,any right to engage in any activity or perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein,or at thier limitation to a greater extent than is provided for in the convention"
The English people have never given any administration a mandate,for either thier subjugation to the eussr,or any of its subsequent diktats,and this latest insult,among the countless others,to the laws and customs of the English people is no different.The mostly trivial cases that we currently see,has only this intent,to set a future precedent,and accustom the English people to this vile abuse of our English laws,this is the stealth principle in action.Be under no illusion that this is the full extent of thier political agenda,for now it is questionable car documents,small amounts of cannabis,filling your car with petrol and driving away,but ignore this invasion of your rights at your and every-one elses peril,for when they think that we have forgotten and we do not resist this fascist imposition,it will be holo-hoax denial,hate crime,thought crime and having the wrong political convictions,denying the legitimacy of the eussr,and anything else that they think might show the people what kind of unspeakable monster we are dealing with,and eventually for those of us deemed "politically unreliable"it will be the door kicked in, in the early hours of the morning,a time they choose so that your neighbours see nothing,and you simply dissappear somewhere in europe,the only information that your family,friends and loved ones recieve, will be the statement that you were unfortunately shot whilst trying to escape.
We have seen all of these methods used by the nazis,by the KGB, and more recently by the Americans,totalitarians all have the same rule book,but do not be afraid and bury your head in the sand,hoping that they will pass you by,they will not,you must oppose them,shout from the rooftops,tell your friends and your children,write and keep writing to your mp,stir up the people. Together we are invincible,alone we are easy victims for thier tyranny.We must not conduct our freedom on thier terms,that is no freedom at all.
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