Saturday, May 06, 2006


IN the course of a short lifetime,i have fallen from a citizen of a sovereign country,to a second class embarrasment, a racial pariah,fit for nothing but the contempt of parasitic maurading foreigners,whos rights to all that i once possessed far outweigh mine or my descendants,purely for a misguided experiment in a failed and bankrupt political idology.
Like many of my countrymen, i would never have believed that what we witness today could possibly have happened,that we could be so cruelly disenfranchised without any benefit to our nation or our people.This country ENGLAND was not a virgin territory,as was north america,we possessed a flourishing civilised culture,it needed no infusion of cultural enrichment,it already had all the vibrant diversity that we required,based as it was upon mutual respect for property and the rights of our fellow countrymen, and the laws were such as to protect the weakest members of society from the abuses of the financially obsessed.
OUR democracy was the envy of the world, and although predicated upon eliteism,with its minor inconsistencies,was safeguarded by the principle of noblesse oblige,people could disagree politically and allow each other to hold thier views without recourse to violence,or any that there was ,was small beer,not state sponsored as we see today,where holding an opinion contrary to the idiology of the day can result in loss of employment,housing,and in many instances, imprissonment.
This administration exsists safely behind the tyranny of manipulated public opinion,a slow drip of social engineering and brainwashing which has made most people too afraid to reason,they hide in silence,hopeing that the terror will pass over them,unaware that thier refusal to acknowledge thier peril, imperils us and our descendants,the only solution is physical resistance,unpleasant though it may be, for all the reasons that the ordinary man experiences every day,and one above all else ,that in the words of Tom paine we know TIS RIGHT.


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