Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Weare told that the history of our country can not be taught to our children because it is "morally ambiguous",but then so is life,is it possible to find a country whos history is not?
First we must find a generally accepted definition,for all too often these days,people either do not understand the words that they use or distort them to mean what they wish them to mean.
MORAL.concerned with right or wrong conduct or duty to ones neighbour,capable of the notion of duty,practising virtue.
AMBIGUOUS.of double or doubtfull meaning,of uncertain character,tendency. OED.
Since history is a narrative of mans doings,successes and failures,and since man is imperfect,so also is his history,his progress is empirical for he can not know the future,and those that pretend that they do decieve themselves and others.
So man looks back on his history,as a man does on his life,to try to discerne wether his actions were beneficial or otherwise ,in order to mark out his future course,both for himself and his society,and it is only by studying his strengths and weaknesess that he arrives at a rational understanding of his existence.
To view the past through the prism of todays "morality"is self deception,for it seems that morality ,like ethics is variable from age to another,man,all men are capable of the most profound cruelty,and the most excellent virtues,it is this dynamic that thrusts us forward on the road to progress.To say that i will not teach our children our history because i find it "morally ambiguous" is an admission of profound ignorance,naieve and immature,as it sets oneself above ones fellows as the arbiter,the definitive authority of what they should and should not know,no man has this right,for knowledge belongs equally to every-one,withears to hear and a mind to reason.
The attitude prevailent today, is that only English history is "morally ambiguous".Why is this particular countries history open to such abuse,when other countries are not,our history did not occur in a vacuum,but as part of the tapestry of the world,as the interplay of one man upon another,one kingdom upon another,intertwinned ,through centuries of struggle,defeats and victories,in the same way as atmosphere acts upon all parts of the planet,and to say that ours is less valid than that of other nations is preposterous.From the Anglo-Saxon chronicles to the encyclopedia Britanica,ours is a story of unparralleled progress ,from the impetus given us by the civilisation of Rome,we have built brick upon brick,through wars ,both civil and international,past superstition dogma and heresy,to emerge from the enlightenment of the renaissance ,as a civilised technological free society,we have built wonderfull cathedrals ,masterpices, to the glory of god,brought enrichment through our empire to most of the world,which on the whole was beneficial to them,though most of them have now squandered the opportunity,and reverted to barbarism,science and understanding of the universe,medicine,social welfare,and the best political system that we could produce,democracy.
All of this now, under the present regieme,is being stolen from our children,the notion of who they are ,where they came from,what they have given the world through countless generations of thier forefathers struggles,and for what,an idiological perversion of the extant truth which is plain for all to see,but denied to our children,because of a rich mans fixations with money and power,where only the select few will lead meaningfull lives,while the mass of our population is condemned to empty lives of subjection and servitude,a unit to be exploited as if they were cattle,with no rights, no hope and no future.For them there is no education,the ignorant are easy to manipulate,whereas an intelligent free man will never submit to thier tyranny.
The solution is to teach your children yourself,avoid modern marxist books these only tell you what the elite wish you to know,books from the fifties are a fair appraisal of our history,science and discoveries,the greatest weapon that we have is our minds and our memories,and as long as we impart the truth to successive generations,the elite can write thier lies and they will have no effect ,other than to discredit themselves.but you must teach them,it will bring them closer to you and enrich you both,do not cast them off to play in thier rooms by themselves,shape them ,mold them ,above all be with them,then the forces of oppression will be powerless ,and we will defeat them.


At 9:22 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

the greatest weapon that we have is our minds and our memories,

That is so true, we must not be beaten, when this government thought that they would just walk all over us, they never counted on our stubborness and our will.

At 8:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why should Scottish people be educated that when we were invaded and raped by the English that the actions were morally ambigous. They knew of Jesus in those days. They were being evil full stop.

At 5:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see you have a little labourite trying to fragment the natives of Britain. Common purpose anyone? ;)

Why don't you trotsky along where you belong socialist, wich is up Brown's treacherous ass.


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