Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Our elected parliament has abandoned the English people,as also has the monarch,who despite prevarications to the contrary,does have the power to prevent this cultural and physical genocide against the people,but refuses to act because of her own agenda,just as our treasonous parliament has the power to act against the imposition of foreign rule,but refuses because they are making huge amounts of money by selling the people of this country like so many cattle,and in thier eyes we are just a commodity,less than human.
This leaves the English people,alone ,bereft of any help to secure its continuation and its rights to live in peace under its own laws and governance,save one,the army.Will it come to our defence as it should,or has it too been bought like the rest of the traitors and abandoned its duty towards us?The enemies that it is fighting in afghanistan and iraq,are the very same enemy that is colonising our country,killing ,robbing and raping,whenever and wherever they choose,claiming cities and towns as thier own,pretending that these are muslim lands,and with each passing day,the medieval grip of islam grows stronger and tightens upon the defencless English people.
The English people look to the army to defend them from the barbaric evil that is islam,that has been forced upon us without our consent,for had we been asked they would never have come here to begin with.
The army can not be unaware of the plight of our nation,it is apparent to every-one,why do they stand aside?will it act now to preserve its people and its culture that is rapidly being eradicated,for the time is short,and there can be no accomodation with islam as our forefathers knew only too well,this is the same war that began a thousand years ago,and the muslim desires peace with us now no more than he did then,he seeks our destruction nothing more,and he will never stop trying to subjugate us.
We look to the army to return to our country and remove the traitors that infest parliament,the army must protect our people,or why else do they exist?how can they call themselves the british army if the british people no longer have a country?The battle is about to begin ,and we expect the army to defend us ,or we shall have to defend ourselves,and we call upon the army to supply us with weapons to do so,the English people are in very great danger and the only force that stands between us and perpetual slavery is the army,come home!
Here are the title deeds of freedom,which should lie in every cottage home,
We must never cease to proclaim in fearless tones,the great principles of freedom and the rights of man,which are the joint inheritance of the English speaking world,and which through,Magna Carta,the Bill of Rights,Habeas corpus,trial by jury and the English common law,find thier most famous expression in the American Declaration of independance.


At 9:34 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Left you a message but it didn't take and now I am pissed off sorry

At 9:41 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

If you really want to know what I think it will be over email.

At 5:18 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

where's the address that I should delete?

At 8:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no cultural genocice. Look at what the English did to the Welsh. Where everyone in the country now has to speak English where is the concern about cuntrual genocide there?

At 4:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are only 5 million Muslims in your country. They should be given a part of England, similar to Kosovo, to live in peace and not get harassed by English racists.


At 4:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's nice to see that the Muslims in England have kept their English traditions and not "sold" out to non Muslim culture.

Muslims have lived in England for hundreds of years, here's a slice of their rich history, captured in beautiful folk song.

At 7:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The sooner the british army packs up and takes its occupying forces out of Iraq and Afghanistan teh better.

And when you are at it, take those murderous British troops out of the rest of ireland too.

At 6:56 AM , Blogger ENGLISHMAN said...

ANON.I quite agree.

At 6:12 AM , Blogger RB said...

You had left a comment on my Blog

Magan Carta and Free Speech

Feminism - or what I term, "EMOTING
FEMININE MIND" - is the bottom-line
cause of men's emasculated mind, re
an explanation of why the West is

When men in any tribe no longer
feel motivated to defend their
women, then they care little for
their territory--their homeland.

White men view their women as the
enemy, as that is what Marxian
Jews had planned to effect through
their socialist/communist machina-
tions in FEMINISM.




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