Monday, April 14, 2008

The eussr, cognisant that thier regieme is illegal,undemocratic and totalitarian,have taken steps to protect themselves against any demonstration of the free will of thier villeins,have incorporated barely noticed in thier enablement laws,a footnote to a footnote, empowering them, whenever thier serfs refuse to obey, with the ultimate sanction of the death penalty.
The UN covenant on civil and political rights,states;article 6 para 6,"nothing in this article shall be invoked to delay or prevent the abolition of capital punishment,by any state, party to the present covenant"leaving aside the issue of wether any covenant is in any way possible with an organisation that the people have not brought into being,this conclusively is an end to capital punishment.
How many times have we heard that foreign muslim terrorists,negro rapists and all the other savage third world criminals, can not be deported to thier countries of origin, because thier governments still hold the right to capital punishment,and yet here we have a "law"that is being imposed upon us,whereby,should any of the indigenous peoples ofeurope, in pursiut of thier natural rights to protest thier subjugation to the tyrannies imposed by the unelected criminals that are a law unto themselves,can be shot down and killed in thier streets,or otherwise captured, and be done to death at a latter time,subject to the convienience of thier oppressors.
How could our "masters" intentions be any clearer than this,but this enormity is not directed at the enemy of all our peoples,the insane barbaric muslims,no it is directed at the nationalists,the patriot and all indigenous peoples of our respective countries, who refuse to submit to the will of the brussels polit bureau.
The eussr despite all of its protestations to the contrary,despite the reams of written articles declaring and trumpeting our "rights"and "freedoms",is in all its actions diametrically opposed to them,even more violently so when the indigenous populations wish to exercise them,and this footnote hidden inside a footnote,gives them carte blanche to murder us at will.
Also under the aforementioned un declaration,is this, part 1, article 1.1"all peoples have the right to self-determination.By virtue of this right, they freely determine thier political status and freely pursue thier economic, social and cultural development"but it is glaringly apparent that i do not have this right,for if i did,then i should have a meaningful say upon my future, as would each and every-one of my countrymen,and how am i able to" freely determine my political status"since i am being pressganged into thier marxist state?When in actual fact and ultimate reality, i will have been denied any choice.
Does this not stick in the throat and clog the nose,of the hitherto free peoples of europe,when did we give our consent and abdicate our democratic responsibilities?
They have drawn a line in the sand, and they dare us to cross it,but cross it we must if we have any values at all, for no human should be subjected to repressive totalitarian regiemes such as is now being forced upon us.The people of the west have for decades railed against tyrannies where ever they have occured in the world, but now when it is thier own enslavement they seem curiously reluctant to defend themselves,who will enlighten the world if we are destroyed?without us the world will revert to primitive barbarity, where violence will rule forever,in a dark ignorant jungle of unspeakable terror.


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