Sunday, July 06, 2008


This country is called ENGLAND,and it is the property of the English people,who have shaped it ,defended it and nurtured it,until it became a country fit for decent civilised people to live in,under thier own laws and practices that have taken thousands of years to evolve,it is the product of the many millions that went before us,who each made his contribution to who we are today,it is a Christian country,built upon Christian principles,it is not a flea-ridden eastern pest-hole,where vicious tyrants rain blood upon the faeces and squalor in the filthy streets,it is one of the greatest countries the world has ever seen.
But now we are being told that our laws and our culture are somehow sub-standard,tacky and unwholesome,not good enough for the millions of semi-literate parasites,who have invaded our country through the lies and deciet of traitors,masquerading as our leaders,now they seek to impose ,an alien barbaric ideology upon us,in the shape of the insane ramblings of a muslim paedophile,robber,murderer,rapist,schizophrenic,delusional,illiterate tribesman,and foster the impression,that this savage,idiotic,purile offense to mankind,is superiour to our tried and tested laws,and that we must now all live under the ruthless ignorance of a minority of arrogant,backward ,retards,the bulk of whom live very well at our expense and make absolutely no contribution to the prosperity of our country,murder its indigenous inhabitants,and constantly complain that our country is not to thier liking and should be changed to become acceptable to them.
I for one am heartily sick and tired of of hearing about the disease that is islam,day after day,had i wished to live with these filthy wogs i would have moved to the paradise that is the middle east,with its superiour civilisation,its centers of cutting edge technology and its power-house of industry,but as it is i am quite happy to live amongst my own countrymen,but now this pestilence has invaded my country,unasked for ,unwanted,and thoroughly undesirable,and as its numbers increase so does its violence against my people,we have tollerated the intollerable for far too long,we reject your evil cult that intends to make sub-human slaves of us,we reject your superstitious inane suedo-religious tripe,and it is time for you to leave voluntarily or if not forcibly,you are our enemies ,you have been our enemies for a thousand years and nothing has changed,we want nothing from you,indeed the very sight of you disgusts us,and your presence in our country is totally offensive,go and take the stink of you from our nostrils,we will all be far happier with your absence.


At 11:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

have you see this fellow?

This is in the South but is still Western Europe, or is it not already?

At 11:58 AM , Blogger ENGLISHMAN said...

Yes ds2,it is comming to your area in the near future,that is why we have been disarmed,and when we are sufficiently terrified,the sheeple will be begging for the new world order.

At 10:21 AM , Blogger Soup Waiter said...

your enemies of a thousand years have been our enemies for 1200 years yet we are not vile hate-mongers filled with senseless rage. I have met many Englishmen and I say you do not represent England.

At 5:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site might be of some interest to you. It's made by Americans but you'll probably find the similarities quite striking and the information on the site can be used by any nationalist/conservative. There are a lot of material and guidelines on how to fight this kind of defamation.

And here is a nice speech by Mark Stein on multiculturalism.


That's because all the young girl that are victims of rapes in "your" country aren't from your race. If they were you might be a bit more angry.
What you call hate-mongering is actually called facts, or truth. And wanting to protect your country isn't called senseless rage, it's called common sense and patriotism.

Classic liberal spins... ^^

At 8:23 AM , Blogger ENGLISHMAN said...

Thanks ALEX,there are many who can not face the truth,for they would have to admit that it is thier own cowardice that created this problem.

At 12:27 PM , Blogger RB said...





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