Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Most people in this counrty, consider themselves free ,but this is just the myopia produced by incessant disinformation and propaganda fed to them by criminals,who value thier self agrandizement and wealth above thier duty to thier people and the welfare of this nation.Government is not a business to be engaged in, but soley a trust,that can be revoked at any time ,this is stated by Tomas Paine some two hundred years ago,upon the duplicity of the English parliament,and so we see that nothing has changed from that day to this,our circumstances remain identical ,with a few worthless bribes ,to make the pretense of "democracy"easier to live with.We have not one single "right" that can not be swept ayway, upon the whim , upon the stroke of a pen,by these tyrants who purport to be working in our interests,we are meerly objects , to be used, abused and thrown ayway according to the exigences of thier striving for power and political advantage.
Now we find ourselves,almost entirely due to apathy,to be upon the brink of a new serfdom, where our already vacouos lives are made even more souless and pointless as we are assimilated into a foreign fuedal system, with no right to object ,no possibility of a decent future, for ourselves or our children, and absolutely no say in the affairs of our country or the way that we wish to lead our lives.
If the arch traitor bliar,does indeed give ayway the last vestiges of English sovereignty to this foreign gang of communists in brussels, without , as seems likely,seeking the will of the English people, then there is absolutely no reason why we should obey ANY edict imposed upon us from that place.How can the myth that we live in a representative democracy be then otherwise than a reprehensible untruth.In all aspects of our lives,if the individual is paying for something through taxation,then it must surely follow that he has an ethical right to some kind of voice in forming the outcome of decisions taken, so that he may accept and consent to such an outcome.Government without the consent of the people is not government , but tyranny.How many people, who own houses and pay mortgages, would consent to thier neighbours choosing thier furnishings and decor,while ignoring the wishes of the one who pays for it?
The majority of English people reject the eussr, and yet are totally deprived of any meaningfull input upon the decisions that are being made,the communists in power take our silence for acceptance, because we are being excluded from the decision making process, personally i will never obey any laws from europe , unless a referendum is held and a clear mandate from the English people is recognised,we are not your slaves, you are not our masters, we are Englishmen and it is high time that we asserted our will against foreign intervention in our affairs.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


The treasonous "nu labor" administration is relentless in its desire to eradicate all things English,and its latest affront to our nation is surely the most despicable yet.
The legitimisation of unassimilable third world criminals who have entered our country illegaly is a supreme act of betrayal of the finest country, and its people in the world.We see in our country foreigners , who have not come to better thier lives, but to predate upon the generous nature of the English people, who see the indiginous population as sheep ripe for shearing, our women ripe for raping, and our civic infrastructure as an easy route to free money without the need to work or support themselves,breed uncontrollably at the expense of the white English taxpayer,who recieves little in return for his inordinate taxes.
The third world parasites must be deported, not congratulated for defying our laws,to allow them to remain would only encourage another million leeches to cheat thier way into the public purse,each tribe setting up its own enclave,and since they are illegal laws mean nothing to them and can be wholly ignored,and if by some miracle a police officer does his job properly,they can scream racism,through an interpreter of course,and receive a fortune, while we are taxed to the limit and our elderly heat or eat.
This scandalous fetish for immigrants must also stop,they are of no use to our economy,but a severe drain on our resources which diminishes every-ones quality of life, our childrens "education" and our future prosperity and progress,we must resist every attempt by these myopic woolly minded communists to dump another million scrounging retards on our bill,the indiginous population of England owe this scum absolutely nothing,why should we feed and nuture our enemies,this is pure folly,people , we must make the administration obey us,not enslave us to its will,for your standard of living can not last much longer, and then what will you do,for once the foreign parasite gains any power he will not look to your wellfare as you now look to his, but will promote his tribes agenda ,which does not include you,can you not see already the homeless whites on the streets , while the wogs have grand houses,you have only worse to come if you do not act soon,ignore the lies of the press and join the nationalist cause,together we can have a life fit for us and our children,refuse to join your countrymen and you will drag us all to ruin, what will it be?