Wednesday, March 29, 2006


This day will live in infamy, as the day when the polit bureau finally managed to forge our new , unbreakable chains,from this day forward , we the people are no longer free men, we are no longer citizens, we are now state property of the EUSSR.

Treason and duplicity have now spread from the house of commons, like a black plague to the house of lords, where our "democratic safeguards",after initially championing the rights of the people, to hold the executive to its manifesto promises,have reneged and abandoned them to the tyranny of despotic marxists who hold no credible mandate, other than terrorising the electorate.With no constitutional check upon the depradations of these rabid traitors, we can now look forward to a whole raft of legislation , designed to shorten and tighten the chains that we are forced to wear, and have been rivited securely,against the will of the people,and without proper consultation.

Already they have the "powers" to take DNA and fingerprints, even if you are only suspected, and no charges are brought, your details are placed on thier national register, and mechanisms for the police to decide, your guilt,the term and form of penalty, particularly if you should plead guilty , a further charge of wasting police time will be incured.You are now guilty until you have proven yourself innocent, and you can be arrested by any of the twenty-five countries of the EU, in the comfort of your own home.

We have seen how willingly the people are to wear thier new chains, from the pitiful exhibition in Trafalgar square on the twenty-fifth, where only some few hundred people, from a population of fifty-seven million,were concerned enough to demonstrate against islamo-fascist censorship,and communist totalitarianism, but not only do the apathetic ,condemn themselves, we are all passed beneath the yoke, and those as yet unborn, are also enslaved, because thier parents would not defend thier freedom and quality of existence.This truly is Gotham city.

Home office minister Andy Burnham: "It is part of being a good citizen, to prove who you are, day in , day out"

Sunday, March 19, 2006


THERE must be something in the water, to produce complete and total amnesia of this order.
TWO years ago we witnessed a cynical attempt to pretend that our system of government was democracy, by going through the motions of a referendum , on wether the people of England wished thier country to be politically vivisected, into nine featureless wriggling entities,thrashing about in political obscurity for control of the largest amount of protien in the form of EU bribery,kickbacks, and a sorting office full of anonomous brown well filled envelopes.

the rational citizens of the north west duly voted against regional assemblies by 3 to 1, a very convincing ratio , and a sentiment shared by the majority of English people, who as yet only had a vague impression of labours contempt for democracy.The people of the north east were jubilant , unaware that the decision had been taken several years before, in brussels, and the bliar regime were meerly carrying out thier orders.IT was a very thick smoke screen since the RA in the south east had been in operation from 1999, secretly siphoning our council taxes ayway from our communities, for use by the brussels commisars who stealthily set themselves up in plush offices,immune from our laws , taxes and the knowledge of the man in the street,who every april wondered why his taxes were rising so alarmingly and his services were shrinking.
this happened all across the country , councils plotted together,and elected themselves members of thier particular RAs,in antisipation of of the EURO deluge that was forecast in reward for thier scheeming,and carrying out thier secret directive to disenfranchise the ordinary Englishman from any hope of power,or a voice in his future,these traitors have set up private limited companies to conduct the profitable businessof building 1.5 million homes in the southeast, and lest any-one should accuse them of sticky fingers, they can disclaim any knowledge of irregularities connected with it.

Last year was the first year that these illegal , criminal bodies have admitted how much of our money they have stolen, but only for that year,the amount for the period when they were acting in secret, is so well concealed that they all feign ignorance, but add it up for yourself, and multiply by six years.


SCottish further education funding council 500m
NAT COUNCIL education and training WALES 500m

AS far as i can see , no-one apart from Neil Herron is aware or interested in this flagrant violation of our democratic principle, perhaps it is true that we get the government that we deserve, PRESCOTT:"its a democracy , not a dictatorship, for gods sake" if only that were true.

Thursday, March 16, 2006



We are now living existences , that are meaningless , without the possibility of any future improvement , either in our quality of life or reasonable prospects of any kind of contentment.

The rights and responsibilities that we once thought were ours have been taken from us , our civilized society all but destroyed , and our country invaded , and all this with absolutely no benefit to the citizens , who through the past decades , have fought wars and paid taxes , under the misguided notion that they would be secure amongst their own countrymen , and their well developed social structures would be of benefit to them in their declining years.

Without reference to the will of the English people, all this has been swept away , by a tyrannical gang of Marxist traitors , who have usurped democratic power , and imposed a police state , outlawed free speech and any right to object , subverted the press , and reduced the English people to the status of second class citizens , whilst filling the country with every kind of primitive barbarian , criminal , sexual pervert , and indolent backward parasite that can manage to crawl here through our dismantled borders , to live a life of ease , at our expense and that of our children’s future , changing our social structures to suit their own convenience , soaking up our resources at an unreplenishable rate , committing every kind of abhorrent crime , with out any meaningful consequences , and what seems to be the blessing of the bliar regime , while our own people are subjected to the full weight of the law , for any wrongdoing.

All the while beating us with the stick of racism , which only operates in one direction , that of English against foreigner , according to the political kant , they are incapable of being racist towards us , and if anything of that nature does occur , it can not be racist because we are classed as a “non valid victim group ”so when they kill us it is simply murder , and not even reported in any newspapers , while the reverse becomes a media frenzy for weeks and eventually the immigrant victim is elevated to the status of sainthood , and marches are held , even statues are erected because of such an awful hate crime , and yet the peculiarity of it all is that we as a nation had very little crime of any sort before we were invaded .

Times change , and the world moves on , which we accept , but this is not progress , this is not improving the lives of our people , this is condemning all our people to existences based upon the savagery of a foreign jungle , not a civilised state , one thing is clear we must oppose and remove from power these political criminals while we still can , because life under these conditions is not worth the struggle.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I wonder how long it will be before we are given permission by the self appointed , holier than thou ,rabid muslim "clerics"(maybe "cleric is too dignified an expression for savages of thier deluded persuasion) to resume our lawfull way of life and engage once again in my god given right,to democracy and free speech unhindered by alien foreign proscriptions.

IN any event what right have these unwanted,unassimilable ,ignorant barbarians,to invade my country,plunder its resources , and assume that we are under some sort of obligation to obey thier dictats, when civilisation is meaningless to them,as also human rights,individual liberty,and self determination are,except when compensation is involved,in which case there are no greater advocates.

what passes for a mind within these barbarians,who can insult my country, its people and its traditions,fight against it overseas, murder its citizens in the most cowardly manner imagineable, and after several years of killing its soldiers, sneak back into the country,that it has declared war upon,and claim all the welfare payments it missed while "on holiday absorbing its culture"in a war zone,and even get paid a large amount ,for appearing in left-wing propaganda programmes on our televisions,whilst playing the poor victim, when common sense should inform the authorities that the name traitor and the death penalty are the only fitting rewards for such conduct.

These immigrants come here, presumably to escape tyrannous islam, all the disgusting mutilation, and narrow-minded medieval fascism,but when they arrive, proceed to set up the system that they were fleeing from,it makes no sense to me or any rational human being, that after escaping all that vile oppression, that they would want to inflict it upon the nationthat gave them sanctuary,but such is the ignorant , vindictive, stone-age , ungratefull mind of islam.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Who would have thought that our country ,could come to this state in such a few short years,a country built upon decentcy and respect for anothers person and property,where there was little crime and people could disagree politically and leave it at that,where governments were democratically elected and were expected to be of unblemished character,where our children could play safely outside and enjoy a few years without any responsibilities ,to enable them to recieve a solid education at school.

Today the English people look about them , with fear and trepidation , afraid to look at any-one for fear of being attacked, for they know that at any moment that they can be robbed ,maimed raped or killed by savage animals on a drug induced whim,that our administration has imported , against all common sense and the wishes of the English people,for what honest administration, would actively discriminate against its own people,in the interest of foreigners, and encourage an invasion from every part of the world , to plunder our resources and destroy the infrastructure of our country and our culture, if they were not traitors.

From across the globe they come ,to occupy housing , the indiginous populations children have been waiting years for, but have been mothballed awaiting the arrival of immigrants who have not even left thier own countries yet.The moment they set foot on our shores they are taught to dispise the English and thier way of life, willfully neglecting to learn our language , institute paralel societies at our expense,insular and violently opposed to the wishes of the indiginous host society.

What is the ordinary Englishmans reaction to all this?hardly any at all ,since the administrations brainwashed him so thoroughly that he truly feels that he has no right to a country of his own, that what his fathers and grandfathers fought for,is now something to be ashamed of,he is convinced that white English people are a minority, since the whites have been excluded from television, unless they are cast as criminals,there is no place for them in football,when all we have is negroes pretending that they are English, and international sporting events , this country no longer sends a team we send a tribe,and his lying treasonous executive tells him daily how evil he is, so that he can not cling to his heritage or birthright,his children are forced to learn religions that are totally alien,and have no place upon these shores along with thier questionable attitudes, whilst chanting the tired and erroneous mantra , that every-one is equal,when it is as plain as the nose on your face , that this is manifestly untrue.

IF we were all equal , there would be no reason for this plague of parasites to come here, for they would have modern societies , national health services,law and democratic governance,all the civic goods that we used to enjoy,before they destabilised our nations.WE are constatly fed this lie of equality , but even in places where the negro is in charge of his own countries, he is incapable of achieving success, due to his own indolence and misrule, the richest countries in africa,still arrive every year with thier begging bowl,and bleeding heart liberal give out the same nonsense , about how it is our fault that he has green monkey disease , when we know how it is contracted and it is no-ones fault but the negroes,he does not even possess the intelligence to stop breeding when in the midst of a famine,yet is considered suitable by the traitors in power,to take part in our parliamentary proceedures.

Where is the advantage or the profit for the people who built this country, defended it ,paid for it ,loved it?how does unlimited invasion benefit the indiginous population as they see everything that they knew trashed and ridiculed.IT is high time that every Englishman in this country repaid his debt to his country , by defending it , stand up and assert yourselves , this is yours , it belongs to the English nation, not foreigners even if they were born here ,they have thier own countries to return to , but this is all that we have , she is precious and she needs your support, do not fail her, do not let anyone ask where were you when we needed you.

Friday, March 10, 2006


THE purpose of this blog ,is as a platform for the concerns of the ordinary ENGLISHMAN in the street,whos government has abandoned him , in the interest of a fat pension in thier retirement,whos "free press" behave likewise, and toe the official line , wether it is just or not , usually not,and act wholly to the detriment of the indiginous population,especially in the area of immigration and all issues pertaining thereto,and all the council jobsworths who bully and browbeat the individual in furtherance of an insane policy known as political correctness, which exists primarily for people in positions of power for which they have absolutely no apptitude or concern for the people whos lives they ruin without a second thought,even if they could manage to have one.
OUR nation which was once the envy of the world, is being systematically destroyed ,as an experiment in global theft , conducted by the very wealthy who already have more money than they know what to do with, and see people as an irrelevance, to be used and discarded as business dictates , and destroy any small hopes that the ordinary man may have had for his future and his childrens welfare in the decades to come.