Sunday, July 30, 2006


The English people have become pariahs in thier own country.All round we are being given the thin end of the wedge.English people who have worked , paid extortionate taxes and struggled to raise a family, spent years on a council housing waiting list, are confined to cramped,sub standard accomodation,while millions are spent housing foreigners , who have large houses built specially for them,by the C of E, who have never given the slightest thought to the English people ,now or in the past.
We hear from the prospective tennants that they are pleased to be living in a moslem only development, as they wish to live amongst thier own kind.The English however are not afforded that luxury,since even if they had the chance,it would be deemed racist.All our resources are being used to one end, to appease the violent foreigner,which clearly is not working,as they are becomming more and more savage and brutal.Now we have a sudden panic in government circles, who have realised that there are not enough houses to give to the poor victimised immigrant,who flock here to live at our expense,and have destroyed our quality of life and our social fabric, the result will be that the homeless English family will slip futher down the lists into the obscurity that our leaders have planed for them.
We are being taken for fools in all areas ,immigrants first is the mantra,as the forest gate fiasco demonstrates, nearly two months after the raid Scotland yard have spent more than 30,000 on accomodation for these parasites and thier family.A four star hotel,free meals,and 70 pounds a week each pocket money.Not satisfied with this largesse afforded them by the taxpayer,they are making even more demands(who says appeasement works?) the Met must pay for thier cat to be entertained at boarding kennels, 10,000 pounds ex gratia payment to help with living expenses and "existing financial commitments"(no mention of an honest days work!), private psychological support,taxi journeys to and from "family therapy", the payment of mortgage interest on thier home,which the police are refurbishing,the installation of a sophisticated burgular alarm system,and as thier clothing was "contaminated"in the raid(presumably by contact with filthy infidels)they also want 200 pounds each to purchase new clothes.This is all our money which should be available to house our people, not terrorist scum like this.The authorities stupidity is monumental,and makes us look like fools, but no matter they will just increase our taxes,after all that is the only reason that we are still allowed to live here.

Saturday, July 29, 2006


How long will we continue to be willing victims?Our whole brain-washed nation races inexorably toward its destruction without a murmer of opposition.It seems that the English nation is to be completely expunged from the history of the world,a hated tribe with no past,no future and no history,and like the jews we aquiess in our destruction with absolutely no resistance.
The latest attack uopn the English nation has just been revealed by our treacherous masters in the form of a quango, eroneously named "the commission for multi-ethinic britain"and suitably composed of the enemies of the English people,foreigners and home grown traitors,whos hatred for us is second only to thier conceit and self-agrandizment,have published thier latest dictat,which bears within it,the blueprint for the eradication of us and all things English,as it pronounces upon what to do with this vileness that pretends to be the rightfull indiginous population of England,and spoils the careing, loving, peacefull invaders vision of what they want our country to become,and our "representatives"whole-heartedly support and encourage thier villification of us and our society.
"The commission has concluded that "britishness" has "systematic, largely unspoken,racial connotations"The report said britain should be formally "recognized as a multi-cultural society" "whos history MUST be revised,rethought, or JETTISONED!"
I know geographically where the British isles are, but what is this thing called "britishness",a few weeks ago Brown was telling us to embrace this notion of "britishness"whilst waving our flag of ST GEORGE, his quango is now of a different opinion!The indiginous MAJORITY population of this country is English and live in a country called England, and have done for almost two thousand years,if not longer in some cases,and there is no racism amongst a population, who share the same history, language,genetics,social aspirations and national self-determination,until we are told that we no longer have any right to be who we are,and the country that our ancestors secured for us, is no longer ours,and our way of life must be destroyed because a massive unwanted invasion of third world immigrants find that it is not to thier liking.This is not a multi-cultural society,this is England which possesses a unique rich culture of its own,it needs no "enhancement"by primitive tribalism,indeed if these foreign "cultures"are so desireable,why have these"diverse and vibrant"cultures not made a success of thier own countries,as we have of ours?
The suggestion that our history must be revised, rethought or jettisoned,is not only racist toward the English people,it is a subversion and a supreme insult to many years of academic progress and truth, scientific enquiry and technological advancement,and it is notable that the phillistines advocating such a thing,are incapable of a similar standard of excellence and freedom of thought.Our history is a glorious example of free men and women who pushed back the frontiers of our knowledge,eradicated superstition and explored the world and are now exploring the universe.Where are these barbarians similar accomplishments?where is thier technology?where are thier welfare states?It is a measure of thier stupidity that after all our history these savages have learned nothing from us,our forefathers did not sit under a tree waiting for a handout,they cultivated agriculture across the world,often starting with nothing but thier own determination, and from these beginings evolved great nations,the envy of the world.
We the English are under attack not only from within our country,but also from the illigitimate communist eu,which assumes the right to tyrannise us although unelected and unaccountable,not only has bliar sold us to this criminal organization,but not these despots are intent upon selling us all to the disgusting cult of death and slavery known as islam.
In the "eu parliament"a genteel term for the supreme soviet,yet more spineless excuses for rational men rear thier pusilanimous heads, this one by the name of hans gert pottering,who dreams of our subservience to the ignorant islamic retards, stated "that school textbooks should be reviewed for intollerant depictions of islam by experts overseen by eu and islamic leaders"There is nothing on this earth as intollerant as these medieval savages with thier endlessly holier than thou ways of murdering people and blaming it on thier moon god,but this fool expects us to tollerate them and all thier vileness.islam is the enemy of truth ,freedom and democracy and if not vigourously resisted,will plunge the whole of humanity into the same criminal insanity that its adherents revel in.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Over the weekend of 22-23 of july 2006, a plaque was unveiled in Jerusalem(the city of peace) commemorating and glorifying the terrorists responsible for an atrocity,the building concerned is the KING DAVID HOTEL.Under penalty of imprisonment, critisizm of the jew is banned, in most western countries, the most notable of these legal tyrannies being SHOA denial(holohoax),and yet the thousands of casualties that the jewish terrorists were responsible for,are dismissed and disparaged as unworthy of recognition and respect.
The British consul, made representations to the israelis,concerning the sentiments inscribed upon this plaque,but it was officially unveiled without being changed,irrespective of the sensitivities of the families of the 90 people that were massacred without warning.
The whole world demands respect from the English people,but offer us nothing but discourtesy and contempt, so in the interests of historical truth the following will show just who these people are who have been demanding sympathy for thier questionable cause.

1937 Palestine: IRGUN ZVAI LEUMI (national military organization) a secret right wing extremist jewish group was formed.
From 20 august-september 26 1937 ,this jewish group together with HAGANAH, bombed civilian buses.

January 1941: The underground jewish militia "LEHI" commonly known as the STERN gang,whos most famous member was YITZAK SHAMIR,proposed an alliance between itself and the nazis,expressing sympathy with "the German conception"of a" new order in Europe"and offering to cooperate with Germany in forming a jewish state, "on a totalitarian basis which will establish relations with the German reich", and protect nazi interests in the middle east.

Palestine 1942:Abraham Stern, leader of the stern gang was killed in a police raid, another member of the gang, MENACHEM BEGIN, later became Israeli prime minister.

July 22 1946: Irgun zvai leumi,led by menachem Begin, bombed the KING DAVID hotel in Jerusalem, headquaters of the British Mandate Administrator,killing 90 people.

August 14 1947:The Haganah attacked the home of the palestinian ABU-Laban family,killing 12, including the mother and her 6 children.

August 1953: Israeli unit 101, commanded by ariel sharon,attacked the palestinian refugee camp of AL-Bureig in the gaza strip,killing 20 residents , mostly women and children, in retaliation for previous arab terrorist attacks.

October 14: Sharon struck again,this time unit 101 attacked the jordanian village of QIBYA, killing 70 residents inside thier houses.

This time , with the military operations in lebanon, let us hope that the western powers leave them to fight it out amongst themselves, since both sides are the mortal enemy of freedom and democracy.

Sunday, July 23, 2006


IF some-one repeatedly threatens to kill you,push you out of your country and enslave your children, prohibits any critisizm of thier right to murder your fellow countrymen and introduce a barbaric savage intollerant code of theocratic rule which you must adhere to under pain of bloody execution,repress the natural rights of the femail members of your society,cover your country with thier vile religion in the form of mosques, allow the leaders of your church to disparige and denigrate your religion in favour of an alien cult of death,go abroad to fight against your country and its soldiers and be welcomed upon your return by traitors with no penalty in case it infringes thier human rights,disregard the laws of the land and show utter contempt for you and your way of life, emphatically reject any notion of integration,dress in medieval costumes that are not in the least suited to your climate,defraud your welfare state,refuse to work and live on the fat of your land at your expense, engage in violent murders , rapes and drug dealing, take over whole cities and proclaim them no- go areas for the indiginous majority,recieve tax- payers funding for terrorist organizations from your treasonous government,celebrate the atrocities of your enemies in the streets of your country against innocent victims who have no more say in the "democratic" process of your country than an earthworm, and accept all of this from a three million strong minority of backward parasitic invaders,then i can only conclude that you long for your own destruction and would rather live as a slave than a free man.
The masochistic amongst you may be excited at the prospect of subservience, but for the rational educated westerner who values freedom more than a cheap sexual thrill, it sticks in the nostrils like a rotten stench , that emanates from the gutless population that is too afraid to live and too frightened to die, you have wasted your ancestors sacrifices and buried your heads in the sand, what a sad end for a once great people!

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Poor MR Bevan,why did you work so long and tirelessly to give our returning heroes some semblance of a welfare state and a visible monument for the rest of the world to envy and emulate,a country fit for heroes and thier children,where the ability to pay did not preclude the basic human necessities of a decent life and good health.
Where is your dream, albeit a counter to communism,now in the year 2006,where because of political chicanery,and inferior mens lust for power,your work is largely undone.
Where now, the clean efficient disciplined hospitals,run by people who viewed thier careers as a vocation, and took thier responsibilities seriously,with care and compassion.
Why did medical science , eradicate a whole text-book full of serious diseases,only to re-introduce them ,now that our anti-biotics no longer work due to over prescription, ricketts, tuberculosis,even bubonic plague has made a comeback, due to the incompetence of well educated idiots,we now have more and far more deadly diseases being introduced to our shores because of a reluctance by the authorities, to screen people upon thier arrival,in case it is seen as racism,what is racist about self-protection and minimizing the suffering of our own people, just because a negro parasite has ebola,must i have it too?
Now our once glorious NHS is on the verge of utter ruin,engineered by the administrations displacement of our medical professionals,in favour of greedy immigrants with little medical acumen and very dodgy degrees issued in some backward hell-hole,and passed off as clinical competence, and our people are paying the price.
MR BEVAN ,last year in the NHS ,almost a million already suffering people were victims of third world negligence and butchery,indifferently written off as "mistakes"to preserve the multi-cult delusion,and assuage the ignorance of the perpetrators,974,000 people, and 2,181 did not survive thier encounter with these primitive quacks, whos command of medical knowledge is equalled , by thier inability to communicate to any reasonable degree in our language,they have brought thier third world standards to a first world society,so do not become ill in England, where your health is of secondary importance to the barbarians lust for a shinny mercedes.


THE attitude of contempt muslims show toward the English people, has never been clearer,thier behaviour on days of tragic rememberance, from 9/11 to 7/7 tipifies this.This year must surely indicate to the whole English nation, the pernicious , destructive nature of the entire unwanted population of muslims in our midst.Yesterday while the English people remembered the lives taken in the unforgivable atrocity committed by these murderous parasites,thier response was to hold a celebration in the streets of Beeston,aided and abbetted by the despicable traitors within the council, who allowed such an event to take place on such a sensitive anniversary, of the unprovoked brutal murder of innocent people,meanwhile another celebration took place in London, in the guise of a "conference", presided over by the same inhuman savage filth , that perpetrated and encouraged the first act of agression on our shores , a year previously.
At this celebration by our enemies, the arch-traitor , livingstone revelled in this anti-English attack,along with the vile piece of sub-human excrement known as choudry, whos terrorist group, al-ghurabaa,preach open hatred for us and our way of life,while being financed by the English tax-payer,through this treasonable administration.
The English people,wether they realise it or not,are at war with islam and thier agents in government,local and national,and the sooner that the English people accept this the sooner we will be able to assert our rights to live in peace and freedom in our own lands,all muslims must be removed from our country,forcibly or voluntarily,they have absolutely no intension of integrating into our way of life, or the national aims or ideals of our country,and nor would the majority of English people wish to live alongside these retarded barbarians,who contribute nothing to our state,either socially or economically,but are just an indolent drain on our hard-won resources, why should we subsidise and give succour to our enemies that wish only our destruction?to remove this disease , all that it takes is for the English to be of one will,forget "human rights"they are meerly a stick to beat us with,since the muslims showed scant regard for the human rights of the passengers on the bus or in the tube trains, and have forfieted any claim, for us to recognise thiers.
How many more will they kill in the future, and celebrate thier deaths?it is surely only reasonable that we strike first to ensure our own survival,these psychopathic retards are a dubious luxury that our children can ill afford,let us save them the effort.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


IT seems that everything in this soulless vacuum of a country,is either an embarrassement,or for sale.The repository for the consience of our nation,and its deep seated,time honoured values,(deep seated that is amongst the ordinary Christian people) has decided,that what the English people hold dear,and look upon as one of the pillars of thier country, and indeed thier very Englishness, is a huge embarrassement and so offensive to muslims ,that it must be destroyed, and its remnants twisted in the interest of appeasing the o so holy muslim parasite.
The A B of Canterbury, rowan "please dont kill us we have already surrendered" williams, is leading the charge to drive another stake through the heart of our national identity,by now suggesting that our patron saint,SAINT GEORGE, must be replaced by st albanus,since the latter is a much better role model for our whinging saintly society of victims, than is a man ,ficticious or otherwise, who stood against intimidation and cowardice, and was an inspiration to all those brave Englishmen,who a thousand years ago, resisted ,opposed and defeated, the spread of murderous islamic barbarity, in the middle east.This icon of the English nation served subsequent generations equally well throughout the travails of our glourious history,and is intimately linked with, and an intrinsic component of our national flag.
No doubt the craven church establishment will join in the hue and cry, especially the primate of york, will "ape"the A B of C in every way possible, since he is on a mission to redeem the heathen English from the obvious dangers of civilisation, and teach them a more brutal african standard,which is no more than one would expect from a legalized butcher from one of idi amins courts,but surely the average parish priests , must be aghast at the pronouncements of thier pusilanimous hierachy,who are treasonous in the extreme, and unworthy of thier supreme offices, it is little wonder then , that Christians in thier droves are abandoning mother Church, with such criminal leadership as this,beware cantab , yorvic and others, the day of reconing is not far off, we will not turn the other cheek for much longer!!.


IT seems that everything in this soulless vacuum of a country,is either an embarrassement,or for sale.The repository for the consience of our nation,and its deep seated,time honoured values,(deep seated that is amongst the ordinary Christian people) has decided,that what the English people hold dear,and look upon as one of the pillars of thier country, and indeed thier very Englishness, is a huge embarrassement and so offensive to muslims ,that it must be destroyed, and its remnants twisted in the interest of appeasing the o so holy muslim parasite.
The A B of Canterbury, rowan "please dont kill us we have already surrendered" williams, is leading the charge to drive another stake through the heart of our national identity,by now suggesting that our patron saint,SAINT GEORGE, must be replaced by st albanus,since the latter is a much better role model for our whinging saintly society of victims, than is a man ,ficticious or otherwise, who stood against intimidation and cowardice, and was an inspiration to all those brave Englishmen,who a thousand years ago, resisted ,opposed and defeated, the spread of murderous islamic barbarity, in the middle east.This icon of the English nation served subsequent generations equally well throughout the travails of our glourious history,and is intimately linked with, and an intrinsic component of our national flag.
No doubt the craven church establishment will join in the hue and cry, especially the primate of york, will "ape"the A B of C in every way possible, since he is on a mission to redeem the heathen English from the obvious dangers of civilisation, and teach them a more brutal african standard,which is no more than one would expect from a legalized butcher from one of idi amins courts,but surely the average parish priests , must be aghast at the pronouncements of thier pusilanimous hierachy,who are treasonous in the extreme, and unworthy of thier supreme offices, it is little wonder then , that Christians in thier droves are abandoning mother Church, with such criminal leadership as this,beware cantab , yorvic and others, the day of reconing is not far off, we will not turn the other cheek for much longer!!.