Sunday, October 14, 2007


For fourty years now we have seen a slow trickle of workshy barbarians become a tidal wave of every hue of violent savage ,who "only come here to better thier lives"or more accurately, revel in the vast opportunity to rob, rape and kill the peaceful inhabitants of our nation,defraud our welfare provisions, and soak up our precious resources,while the indiginous population still go about thier business with the curious idea that we are all playing by the same rules,and are being shorn like sheep, disposessed of thier country and culture.
But a recently promulgated annex to the UNDHR,gives us a small glimmer of hope upon the horizon of our dispair, for in this declaration, we now have the means to oppose this violation of our human rights.It is the DECLARATION OF THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES,undoubtedly the authorities will, quibble as to the definition of "indigenous"but according to the oxford dictionary:it is defined as native,belonging naturally,but what applies to these various tribes all over the world,is no less when applied to our people and our culture.One can not say that they are entitled to the right to thier own culture and thier own lands in soverignty, and deny it to us.
Many international lawyers believe that UNDHR forms part of customary international law,if this is the case then ,its annex must be also part of international law, for in the pre-amble we find,"recognizing and re-affirming that indigenous individuals are entitled,without discrimination to all human rights recognized in international law, and that indigenous peoples possess collective rights, which are indispensable for thier existence, well-being and integral development as peoples",further, article 1 "indigenous peoples have the right to the full enjoyment, as a collective or as individuals, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms as recognized in the charter of the UN,the universal declaration of human rights,and international human rights law"so we can see that it does have some legitimate legal status.
Article 2, states that indigenous peoples have the right to be free of any kind of discrimination in the excercize of their rights , in particular that based upon thier indigenous origin and identity,which means that we have every right to display our culture, fly our flag, etc.
article 3 gives us the right to self-determination.
article 4 gives us the right to autonomy and self-government, so we have every right to be consulted upon our collective future by way of a referendum, and our own English parliament.
article 8.1 "indigenous peoples and individuals have the right not to be subjected to forced assimilation or destruction of thier culture"
8.2"states shall provide effective mechanizms for prevention of , and redress for:(a) "any action which has the aim or effect of depriving them of thier integrity as distinct peoples, or of thier cutural values or ethnic identities"
(b)"any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing them of thier lands,territories or resources"
(c)"any form of forced population transfer, which has the aim or effect of violating or undermining any of thier rights"
(d)"any form of forced assimilation or integration"
(e)"any form of propaganda designed to promote or incite racial or ethnic discrimination directed against them"are the English not being forced out of thier lands by this third world invasion?how many English people have emigrated because of it?
article 11"indigenous peoples have the right to practice and re-vitalise thier cultural traditions and customs.This includes the right to maintain, protect and develop, the past ,present and future manifestations of thier cultures, such as archaeological and historic sites, artifacts ,designs, ceremonies, technologies and visual and performing arts and literature"
article 12"indigenous peoples have the right to manifest,practice, develop and teach thier spiritual and religious traditions,customs,and ceremonies,the right to maintain,protect and have access in privacy to thier religious and cultural sites, the right to the use of and control of thier ceremonial objects and the right to the repatriation of thier human remains" the authorities can no longer remove crucifixes or denigrate Christianity, or prevent us from celebrating Christmas, easter or our holy days.
article13 gives the same right to our history, language and traditions, and to keep our own names for communities ,places and persons.
In all there are 46 articles, and all have an acute bearing upon the present circumstances of the English people,this is not to deny the same rights to the scots, welsh or irish, just that my main concern is the nation to which i belong. If we can not take advantage of this document to prevent the wholesale abuse to which we are subject at the hands of the eu and our own parliament, then perhaps we deserve anihilation, and i hope that greater minds than mine can pick this up and make use of it for our common good, to be able to live in a civilised manner as we once used to,and if nothing else to assert our right to exist as Englishmen, freely in our own land.

Sunday, October 07, 2007


From jerusalem to constantinople,from rhodes to malta,from byzantium to vienna, the muslim has waged his war against us for more than a thousand years,and from time to time he has feigned peace, but only for the purposes of re-grouping and gaining strength in preparation for the next assault upon us,and his hatred of us is enshrined within the koran,one of the seven pillars of evil islam.
This perpetual war that we have inherited has not been brought about by the events of the past fourty years,that is meerely pretext,to assume the moral high ground,if there be any in muslim atrocities,this is an old struggle that our ancestors have thwarted many times,because they knew that no accomodation was possible with islam, and that to survive they had to be as ruthless as thier stone age adversaries,and they recognised that there were no moderate muslims only muslims that were prepared to wait and bide thier time until they considered themselves strong enough once again to resume hostilities,so it is today,only now they can not believe that thier enemy has opened his gates and welcomed them inside, to live at his expense and given them access to his levers of power,priviliged status,and the encouragement to dominate all areas of our society, we have allowed him the oportunity to hold a dagger at our throats,and although many of the cowards have realised what they have done, they lack the moral fiber to confront thier mistake and control the menace that they have unleashed upon us.
When thier leaders judge that the time is right,when they have plundered and de-stabilised our society,when these areas that they occupy have grown large enough and removed the indiginous occupants completely,when one day thier demands are refused, then we will have conflict on our streets as they attempt to take absolute control of our country.In every country of europe and america also, there are large regiments of muslims , waiting for the order from the middle east, they may have different passports , but all are a part of the same army, an islamic army, dedicated to our utter extinction and we are now surrounded,your murderer lives next door,he may smile and say hello to you when you meet,but only to lull you into a false sense of security, to keep you off guard,meanwhile he is busy corrupting your children with drugs,defrauding the public purse,grooming your daughters,his children are roaming your streets in gangs killing and robbing , the defenceless and the old,whenever they feel the need for amusement ,and distributing this years bumper crop of opium, a law unto themselves for the police have long since turned a blind eye to thier transgressions, for fear of the race card and thier own pensions.
Citizens, why do you deny the truth that is before your eyes,these are not your countrymen,they come as conquerers,do you think that your lives will continue in the same way once they have control,already English people are excluded from muslim dominated areas and this will only increase as they raise an inordinate number of offspring on your taxes and annex more and more of our country,we must rid ourselves of this imposed burden,if you vote lib/lab/con you will condemn your children forever to a life of servitude at the hands of retarded savages whose only aim is to impose thier insanity upon the world.
If islam were peaceful ,what would be the need of advertising it on the sides of buses?who but people with ulteriour motives would constantly declare how peaceful they are, if the contrary was not everpresent in thier minds,and who would constantly declare that they intend to take over your country and not use violence to achieve thier aim?