Saturday, November 29, 2008


It is a peculiar fact that our once democratic country is now ruled by communists who pretend to uphold and value democracy,one would thinkthat this is a contradiction in terms,and it certainly is,but its significance is wholly lost on the average voter.We now have an entire administration,whos communist credentials would not be out of place in stalins russia and would be applauded by the polit bureau,with the majority of cabinet ministers whos political lives began in either the communist party or the socialist workers party while at thier respectave universities,or else groomed through the ranks of the subversive common purpose.
The amazing thing is that the electorate expects those whos ideology is diametrically opposed to democracy to behave in a democratic manner,leopards donot change thier spots,so why are voters surprized when thier communist principles become manifest,i use "principles"in the loosest possible sense.
Now the electorate are aghast when the instruments of the communists perverse ideology,the police,are used in a blatantly totalitarian manner,by arresting,on some engineered charge,a member of the parliamentary opposition,opposition being only a geographic location,not thier particular ideology,which is identical to the communists,and amounts to the same frenzied scramble to secure a trough on the gravy train.
Now we hear outrage from all quarters over this mans arrest,such as an abuse of his rights and freedoms,how could such a thing happen,and much ruffled indignation,but it seems that it is perfectly justified when the same abuse of power by the administration is directed arbitrarily at various parties ,such as the BNP,who can be harried,abused by immigrant black placemen as being less than human,defamed , prosecuted and persecuted,whenever the mood takes the communist junta.
If there is only freedom for those we agree with,there is no freedom at all,if there are only human rights for the political triumvirate,and none for the political opinions of those with whom they disagree,then there are no rights,the same is true of free speech though its application is now so curtailed as to be completely useless to any democratic voice,the fascists however revel in it truncation.
This then is the abject political poverty into which we have been submerged,through the perverse desires of small greedy criminals who have totally subverted our political process with the aid of the establishment mass media who constantly feed our people with disgusting marxist propaganda,where morality is inverted to a social nightmare of unequal rights and privelige for a few,and such is the extent of voter apathy and conditioning,that no matter how hard the triumvirate kicks each one of you,you willingly beg for more,and slander those who are defending the few rights that you have left.
"Diversity""immigration""political correctness""homosexual rights""islam""hate speech"all of these things have only one object,to dis-enfranchise the ordinary Englishman from what is rightfully his,to prevent him from disturbing the communists agenda,so that they can complete thier replacement of the indigenous peoples of these islands,and rule in perpetuity.
Englishmen,if this country does not exist for your benefit and that of your descendants,then for whos benefit do you exist?If you have no voice in the governance of your country,then you have no country and if you do not wake up to the nature of the criminal elite,soon you will have nothing that is worthy of a man.They began with the nationalist,now like rabid dogs they turn on thier partners ,who will be next and who will defend you when they come for you?

Sunday, November 02, 2008


All countries have armies,for the protection thier national interest,resisting aggression from without,to defend thier own people and ensure thier continued preservation,they are us,drawn from us,for us.

The British army is at present in various parts of the world,such as iraq and afghanistan,where we are told that they are "defending" us from islamo-fascism,particularly mindless terrorists who wish to destroy our democratic way of life and impose the stultifying,retarded creed of the insane paedophile mohamed.
How exactly is our army ,defending us from this evil,fighting three-thousand miles ayway,when those very same enemies are rapidly expanding thier control and colonising the country that these brave soldiers are giving thier lives for,how is it protecting the ordinary English person,who is bombed,raped and murdered,despised and discriminated against,dictated to and threatened by these primitive backward barbarian tribesmen,in our own country?Why are they fighting over there while thier enemy takes control of thier homeland?
Could this far ayway war be just an invention to sap the strength,demoralise and keep it out of the way long enough for these muslim parasites to take over,and destroy itself so that it can never be a threat to the eussr,making it so much simpler to absorb and nullify its potential?
who are they fighting for,the English people are robbed ,raped and murdered as usual,by these third world fascists,wether they are deployed in afghanistan or the salisbury plain,the real war is right here on our doorsteps,but we do not possess any weapons to defend ourselves with,but you can be sure that every mosque has access to an abundant supply for the eventual conquest of our nation,we are already subject to roaming gangs of muslim filth that attack any white on sight.
Once absorbed by the eussr,our army will be diffused abroad,and foreign troops will be stationed here,for while the British army would be reluctant to fire upon its own people,the foreign troops will murder us with relish and without question,for we as a nation do not have to accept what is currently being forced upon us,it is not writ in stone,it is not inevitable that we have to become the slave of totalitarian brussels,and very soon we shall take back what is ours,and belongs to us.
Make no mistake this is already happening in America,which is full of foreign troops ,housed in secret locations,ready to suppress any democratic movement of the people against the tyranny of the one world order,in direct violation of the American constitution,which forbids even American troops from "policing"its own shores,so thier co-conspirators in the eussr would not have the slightest hesitation in subjecting us to foreign military rule.
The question therefore is,and more poignantly ,as this is almost the eve of our rememberance day,will our army defend and protect the indigenous English population,and uphold the rights and culture of this our country?or in the same manner as our "queen" "administration" and its lickspittles,betray the English people in a supreme act of treason and abandon us to the tyranny of both the rabbid muslim or the totalitarian eussr?
Rememberance day means that on this day we remember who we are,and what it has cost previous generations of Englishmen to secure the right to exist,to enjoy the freedom to live as WE wish.
Soldiers,where do you stand,beside us as countrymen or on our rights as oppressors?