Monday, September 15, 2008


Englishmen, the eussr has no legitimate right to make laws for us,as we,the English people have been denied a proper democratic vote upon our membership,all are equal or so we hear,unfortuately it seems that we are not intelligent enough to be allowed a vote,so be it ,if the administration assumes the right to tyrannise us,we also have every right to rebel against thier treason,since this country exists for our benefit ,not the narrow criminal motives of a self proclaimed elite.
The administration exists subservient to the soverignty of the people,to excercise the the will of the people,internally and externally in the countires foreigh relations,the administration has no legal right to force us into any arrangement without our consent,since they are meerly our agents and act on our behalf.
The people of England are subject to English common law,it can never be abolished,abrogated or rescinded,it is permanent,being built upon precedent,and there are no precedents that have ever existed,whereby this country gives itself ayway,to be in the power of and administered by a foreign power,in fact,"foreign princes" are specifically pointed out as having no jurisdiction in this country,and it is regarded as wholly treasonous for any citizen to seek to enable such a breachof our law.
Yet here we stand,being told that now foreign law is superiour to our own,and takes precedence,that the representatives that we have elected,and one that we have not,are entitled to arrogate to themselves the unheard of power to give ayway our country,for thier own financial benefit,and impose "laws"upon us which have no legal basis,and have never been consented to by the English people.
It is high time for the English people to stop shirking thier patriotic and democratic duty and protect that which is thier birthright,for by default they have allowed through thier own selfishness,thier civilisation to be stolen from them,allowing thier freedom to be replaced by tyranny,without raising a finger in opposition,to a regieme that takes thier silence for assent.
The eussr has your total enslavement planned to the last detail,as it ruthlessly attacks your fundamental human rights,not the rotten carrot that the un pretends that you have and refuses to uphold ,but your innate rights as a civilised rational human being,the right to have your voice heard and taken cognisance of in a decent democratic manner,to live your lives within the constraints that you have consented to,under a system of your choosing.
Thier latest attack upon you,happened in secret,two weeks ago,and was signed in secret by the enemies of our nation,in westminster ,which your "free press" colluded in hiding from you,it is the eussr extradition treaty,under which,any-one,the westminster traitors,or thier paymasters,in any of the 27 gulags of europe,can accuse,try and convict any one of us,whose political outlook they disapprove of,in absentia,with no right to defend yourselves,and be extradited from your own country,to serve any sentance that they wish to impose upon you,in any country that they choose,and the first thing that you will know about it is when the police arrive on your doorstep to arrest you,probably in the early hours of the morning,in true gestapo tradition,so that the general population remain unaware of what is taking place,and once you are in thier power,then you will simply dissappear,and for the more obstinate amongst us,eventually it will be reported that they were shot whilst trying to escape.
This is what you are agreeing to by your silence,this is what burying your head in the sand has bought each and every one of us,this is the future that you are bequeathing your children.Do not look to any of the three totally corrupt political parties,they are the enemies of of us all,we must do this together,we must unite our nation,so that we can defend each other and stand against this loathesome oppression.In place of "i want" put "together we can have",instead of "i am afraid"put "the courage of our nation is mine",we can make this country how we wish it to be,it only requires that you forget petty self-interest,and support your countrymen under the noble English flag,together WE WILL.