After five days of cloudless blue skies,and temperatures in the mid 20s(f),when we look up into the sky on the morning of 1 october 2011,what do we find,wall to wall chem trails!
Despite the propaganda and deception spewed forth from our one party parilament,the evidence of our own eyes can not be gainsaid or ignored,the people of the world are being sprayed,without any consultation or consent.
Here in the south-east of England,after five days of unblemished blue skies,25-30 of september,on the 1 of october,we find above us the tell tale grid pattern of renewed spraying activity,transforming what should be beauty and a joy to the spirit,into a hazy grey mush,scarred by "responsible"pilots who should have a modicum of regard for thier fellow human beings were it not for thier egos and unwaranted large ammounts of money.
So let us come to actual cases,as already stated the weather ,or rather the absense of it,has been glorious this last week,not a cloud in the sky,there have been the same number of aircraft,the temperature at 30-40 thousand feet is freezing as usual,the temperature of the aircraft engines is the same ,and yet there was not atrace of any anomaly whatsoever.Today however 1 october,we have a sky covered by a discernable grid pattern of what are called "chem trails,so why the difference?A condensation trail is caused by hot engines in contact with cold air,producing water droplets,which return to thier previous state once the heat source is removed,and dissapear before the aircraft is out of sight.The environmental conditions are practically identical to the previous five days,yet we have an atmosphere scarred by trails of particulates,emanating from most aircraft in the medium to high altitude range,this can not be considered as normal.
There is evidence and admissions from around the world that various administrations are experimenting with weather modifications via the suspension of particulates in the upper atmosphere,but something heavier than air can not remain suspended indefinately,eventually they will descend to earth,to be breathed by humans and animals,coating the flora,and washed into streams and rivers and lakes.We are told that amongst these metals are aluminium and silica,which have a residence of between one and two weeks,others include thorium oxide and refactory welsbach material,we have regulations restricting car exaust emmissions because thier particulates are harmful if drawn into the lungs for any length of time,yet these experiments have been going on since the end of the last war ,with no warnings to the people whom obliviously breathe them in.
Those involved in this wholesale assualt upon our health,being past masters of deceit and dis-information are the same old cartel of obscenely wealthy criminals who have intruded thier greed into all aspect of our lives with the intension of enslaving the broad mass of the human population,those that have been marked for survival that is,the rest through one form or another are slated for extermination.
We have patchuri and his gang of cynical psychopaths ,the ippc(intergovernmental pannel on climate change)who are well on the way to defrauding the peoples of this planet of 300trillion dollars,for something that the great and the good do not understand,but as long as they get disgustingly wealthy they are not bothered,to save polar bears from drowning,the ice caps from melting,and to reduce us all to an impoverished third world existence,purely upon the say-so of greedy criminals from the university of east anglia ,who falsify meterological data.Next we have Ratheon,who control the haarp technology which they hope to use as a weather weapon,then al gore who does not find becoming a billionaire through lies even remotely inconvienient,and the killer himself ,bill gates who promises the third world freedom from malaria,though you must have a miscarrige and infertility to go with it.(information courtesy of rady ananda).
With these criminals previous track record,would any-one who does not have a vested interest,trust them further than one can spit?But we can be certain that thier true agenda does not stop at poisoning us with aluminium oxide,given that one of the main planks of thier unconscionable agenda is population reduction to 500 million worldwide,thus dispatching 5/6ths of the present population,they probably have a virulent disease or two up thier sleves.
So stop fiddling with your pointless pretense of communication,and look up,judge with your own eyes,see how these tyrants are attacking you ,the air that you breathe,the food that you eat,the drugs that they swindle you with,and resist!like so much else these days,we the ordinary people,are deemed irrelevant,since we have allowed these miscreants to rob us of our democratic power,or perhaps you are hoping that you will be one of those five hundred million that they allow to live in thier new world order,but only as the basest slave,with no rights ,no future and no hope.RESIST.