The Authority behind the force
It seems that crime is better off in the hands of the police than in the hands of the criminals,as the police now are freelancing,just to make ends meet.Having lost the confidence of the people through assuming the role of political enforcer,stiffling the legitimate opposition to the invasion of our country,attempting to regulate our thoughts through "hate crime",and arming themselves with water cannon,nerve gas,tasers,and the theft of an individuals dna,the English people can clearly see which side they are on,and it is not the side of the people,for they seem to be employing the right kind of people to effect a totally repressive fascist state,where graft is the order of the day,using positions of "authority" to gain sexual satifaction,wogs using police data bases to make the offences of thier mates dissapear,for a price,even bank robbery,if we ever were policed "by consent"we certainly are not now.
for further listings of crimes committed by the blue lamp gang go to