If the army will not shoot its own people,change the army
On the 8 of September,a private members bill will go for its second reading,having sneaked in under the radar,concerning CONSCRIPTION.
Having decimated our army through cut-backs,incompetence,and an underhanded absorbtion into the fascist eussr,the administration now seek to expand it again with conscripts,since professional soldiers are now too expensive,and desire to survive future conflicts by demanding credible protection.
Inexpensive cannon fodder will now be achieved,by rounding up all manner of spotty oiks,and forcing them into positions once occupied by competent soldiers,in order to subjugate the native indigenous population,who object to administrative tyranny,racial replacement and second class status in their own country.Since the former dedicated soldiery had some scruples about killing their own people,wives,children,friends and suchlike,the new breed of conscripts will have no such impediments,given that they normally engage in senseless violence for pleasure anyway,and with weapons they will be much more effective,with the added bonus that they will cull the herd of indigenous natives,and speed up the introduction of a police state that much faster.
The desirability of training and arming wogs and niggers with automatic weapons is seen from the administrations point of view as wholly beneficial,since they hate us anyway,and are already killing us with a degree of barbarity that is entirely encouraged by the Marxist jews in power,since they incur little or no consequences from the "justice system",and conscription will allow them to do it "legally"saving lots of money that can be spent on new mosques,and new homes for the newly arrived immigrant invaders,who can be counted on to vote for even more draconian measures against the English people,whilst making our one party system permanent.