Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Taking the piss 2

The morning started beautifully apart from the noticeable desicration around London ,the chem trails catching the early morning sunlight,producing ugly scars of bloody red.

By eight o/clock ,the first poisonous trails were beginning to appear,(the first four pictures)and by nine,the entire sky was covered by grey clag,however the weather satellite sequence ,sees no cloud whatsoever,apart from a band across eastern Scotland.So the evidence of the eye,seems to conflict with the supposed electronic data,produced by the met office,none of which should surprize anyone these days,since the electorate continually votes for the same criminals at every election and our individual lives just get worse.
I broached the question of chem trails with the MP for this constituency,and received a reply from one of her underlings,the general thrust of which implied that there were no such things and I should not interfere with the work of the grown ups,when said underling must have been fully aware of the 2005 select committee on geo-engineering ,a copy of this document I managed to down-load with no trouble at all,it is abundantly clear that we ,the people are being lied to,which is confirmed by several videos by DR David Lim ,from Reading university,whos expositions are hard to refute.
It seems to me that this grey clag/cloud cover,is necessary so that the criminals in power can continue to drench humanity with poisons unobserved by those who bother to look up at the sky,the majority however are too intent upon staring at the screen of a mobile phone(I wonder how many times gchq captures the phrase,"i was like"on prizm)
So if you can be bothered,look for yourself, the truth is written all across the sky,and you can bet that whatever is going on is not for our benefit,simply ask yourself when was the last time the administration did anything for the benefit of the English people?Meanwhile every day,you and your children,your environment,is coated with cancer causing poisons,courtesy of people that hate you and want you dead.

Taking the piss