Saturday, May 20, 2006


The English people are clearly being taken for abject fools,by this invasion of foreign parasites,and all that we hear is how we must respect thier human rights.It seems perfectly acceptable to this treasonous administration, that a foreign criminal can come to our country, kill ,rape and rob,but he can not be deported because he might be abused by his own people upon his return.What of the human rights of our people,his victims,they simply do not count.Every one in the whole world has rights except the English,are we somehow unworthy of even a modicum of human decentcy?.
We see in our newspapers , story after story,of foreigners driving illegally, killing and maiming mothers and thier small children, and running ayway to hide ,as they are too cowardly to face up to the consequences of thier irresponsible actions,and the judges hand down derisory sentences, of a few weeks, while our people , in the same circumstances,feel the full weight of the law, and are incarcerated for years.Rapists are freed immediately upon some flimsy pretext that they did not know ,that thier crime was illegal,and that they were doing wrong,or some other idiocy,and straight ayway go and commit the same offence or worse,why can we not protect our women,they have every right to go about thier business,without being preyed upon, by creatures that should still be in the jungle, do we not have an obligation to secure thier freedom and safety?this is thier country too ,and despite what the filthy muslims believe,women have had a hard time establishing thier rights to equality in our modern society,and now they are fully entitled to enjoy the benefits of it,without being molested,and as for respecting this foreign trash, i will remind them that respect has to be earned, it is not any-ones by right.
Now we find that the administration has been lying to us for years,about the numbers of foreigners in this country illegally,to the tune of 14 million, no wonder our infrastructure is crumbling, and all our other resources are dwindling, what else could be the result of massive over-population.The world and government traitors is making a mockery of our tollerance and goodwill,enough is enough, if the authorities do not take decisive steps to remove these foreign parasites,then we the people , must remove both them and those corrupt politicians,we must protect ourselves and our children , from this alien plague.Englishmen how much more will you tollerate,before you do your duty?

Friday, May 19, 2006


Every day,the disease that is islam, infects our Christian country with its pernicious evil a little more, with its never ending demands, which are born of appeasement,and our people sink further into the morrass created by cowardly politicians, to avert the violence of these homicidal tribal mental deficients.
All over europe, the hearts of our civilised societies, are being murdered by opportunist politicians, who clearly have no interest in the rule of law,or the protection of our people,and lift not a finger ,when the lives of the indiginous population are threatened,meerly for engaging in thier democratic rights,and non-negotiable political freedoms, they actively allow alien murderers without let or hinderance ,to hunt the rightfull citizens of thier countries,and thier children, for some imagined slight in the form of a picture,with no protection from the authorities, other than making the fugitives in thier own countries,who are forced into hiding,and we hear not one word of censure or condemnation of the cult of death.
These barbarians have not the slightest interest in living in peace with us, quite the contrary, thier only purpose is to destroy the fabric of our cultures, and dictate how we are to live our lives, and if we refuse to conform to the warped islamo-fascist theology of thier demented paedophile homicide, then they see it as thier right to kill us.
Where have all our rights dissapeared to, the right to live as we will in peace,the right of every man to pursue his own agenda,the right to a future for our children,the right to believe what we wish,the right to dissent,the right to promote the wellbeing of our race,in our own country, the right to freedom of speech without qualifications,the right to pride in our history and our ancestors whos sacrifices bought and paid for the rights that are being stripped from us ,in favour of the enemies that our corrupt poilticians have imported with out our consent.
Englishmen look to the future of your children, for the enemy is stealing thier hope, and thier land ,and thier right to be English,bestir yourselves and onto the streets,better our country was no more than bend the knee to islam.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


This must certainly be the most perverted idea of this or the preceeding century,to give the rest of the world jobs in this country, while the indiginous population becomes unemployed.To allow an unregulated invasion to descend upon our industries ,like a swarm of locust,destroying our pay structure and our conditions, for no benefit to the people is the height of treason.
Contrary to the disinformation diseminated by theses traitors,we already have a skilled workforce,and any shortfall can come from the 1.5 million unemployed,we have no need of any more immigrants, but we continue to be swamped by the dregs of the eastern block,and now it is becomming very difficult to find a full weeks work,but as long as joe pole has a job ,that seems to be all bliar is concerned with,why are my family not entitled to a decent living in thier own country,we are not animals to be used by the rich and greedy , and then discarded when they find a slavic moron who will do our jobs badly,for a fraction of the wage, this is England , our country and we the people are entitled to determine our future ,and the future of our children,let joe pole stay in his own country and improve it , all we hear is how clever he is , so building up his country should be no problem to him.
These parasites will not confine themselves to the construction industry,they will insinuate themselves into every business , and all those people who think that they are secure , think again, for soon they will be comming for your job,they are not our friends,they know that they are destroying our way of life, and our employment prospects ,do not cooperate with any of them, look to the interests of your children, do not betray them.

Saturday, May 13, 2006


Another tale of perverted liberalism is presently unfolding in Bristol, on the anniversary of W WILLBERFORCES triumph over mans short sightedness and greed,namely that we English people apologise for the slave trade.
This truly ranks with the archbishop of canterburys apology for the crusades in its mind-numbing stupidity, and is a clear indication of a tremendous lack of visceral fortitude prevalent in todays morally bankrupt society.
I would like to ask two questions concerning this crass idiocy,firstly, how many negroes in our English society, are or have been slaves, and secondly , how many English people are or have been slave owners,even with todays twisted moral infirmity , both answers can only be in the negative,(discounting muslims who are still engaged in this practice, and reaping a very handsome profit).
A further example of our flourishing victim culture can be found in the ignorant denial of the word "merchant"which has thrown the blacks in Bristol into tribal ferment, most of whom can not read the word without help in the first place,and have the temerity to seek to rewrite our history.Are we going to allow them to censor our literature, shakespear for example ,"the something of venice"or any other title with merchant in it?no chance of a mature and rational attitude then?but this is to be expected when dealing with the infantile savage "mind" of the negro retard.

Friday, May 12, 2006


Quite recently , the western world recieved its final warning from the spoiled children from the religion of terrorism,vis,to crawl upon our bellies in abject subservience craving its mercy,or prepare for a full scale war to enslave the "free democracies" of europe and north america.IN the face of such an ultimatum, only one course of action is concionable,that as free men , we must resist this pernicious islamo-fascism,with all our might , both here and abroad.
A" moderate muslim" is a mis-nomer,for either one embraces that cult of fascist repression,or one is quite simply not a muslim,and lying to a non-muslim is perfectly acceptable under islam,and even if there are a few who are genuine in thier condemnation of islams atrocities, the majority are content with thier win/win situation,wether bliar and his marxist traitors give them my country, or it is wrested from us by force, the contributions from your local corner shop are still translated into bullets and explosives,to kill british soldiers with, and hundreds of muslims leave our shores each year to fight against our forces and our country, all paid for with unemployment benefits,our country that gave them succour and protection from the despots that presumably they were fleeing from, a muslims word is worthless,you accept it at your peril,for thier agenda is crystal clear.
This from abu bakar bashir-jemaah islamiyah: "if they (US and EUROPE)want to have peace, they have to accept to be governed by islam" and "this fight is compulsory,muslims who do not hate america, sin, islam can not be ruled by others,allahs laws must stand above human law.There is no example of islam and infidels,the right and the wrong, living together in peace"
The word "peace"implies to a muslim,complete and total subjection of the world to islam, and our "leaders" are sanctioning thier take over, we must vigourously resist thier depredations.
"To talk of friendship with those in whom our reason forbids us to trust , is madness and folly"Thomas Paine.

Saturday, May 06, 2006


IN the course of a short lifetime,i have fallen from a citizen of a sovereign country,to a second class embarrasment, a racial pariah,fit for nothing but the contempt of parasitic maurading foreigners,whos rights to all that i once possessed far outweigh mine or my descendants,purely for a misguided experiment in a failed and bankrupt political idology.
Like many of my countrymen, i would never have believed that what we witness today could possibly have happened,that we could be so cruelly disenfranchised without any benefit to our nation or our people.This country ENGLAND was not a virgin territory,as was north america,we possessed a flourishing civilised culture,it needed no infusion of cultural enrichment,it already had all the vibrant diversity that we required,based as it was upon mutual respect for property and the rights of our fellow countrymen, and the laws were such as to protect the weakest members of society from the abuses of the financially obsessed.
OUR democracy was the envy of the world, and although predicated upon eliteism,with its minor inconsistencies,was safeguarded by the principle of noblesse oblige,people could disagree politically and allow each other to hold thier views without recourse to violence,or any that there was ,was small beer,not state sponsored as we see today,where holding an opinion contrary to the idiology of the day can result in loss of employment,housing,and in many instances, imprissonment.
This administration exsists safely behind the tyranny of manipulated public opinion,a slow drip of social engineering and brainwashing which has made most people too afraid to reason,they hide in silence,hopeing that the terror will pass over them,unaware that thier refusal to acknowledge thier peril, imperils us and our descendants,the only solution is physical resistance,unpleasant though it may be, for all the reasons that the ordinary man experiences every day,and one above all else ,that in the words of Tom paine we know TIS RIGHT.