Sunday, January 28, 2007


The un and the eu,who both have grandiose statement on human rights, have embarked upon the suppression of historical knowledge,with the implementation of a disgusting assault upon freedom of opinion and scientific enquiry known as shoah denial.The un charter and the eu convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms both state categorically that :"every-one has the right to freedom of expression.This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers"
So how is it that now without any proper investigation into the alleged deaths of a certain number of people during the occupation of europe by the german regime ,that we now must adhere to the establishment line without demur,under pain of imprisionment,meeted out by courts who will brook no denial of what can only be described as an opinion at best and at worst vile tyranny.
Why has there never been a scientific historical examination of these illusiory six million?why is discussion of the few certain facts outlawed,why are we expected to accept the official version of events without question,when we do not accept any other theory at face value,methinks they doth protest too much!
Could there be an ulterior motive for the suppression of freedom to question,could it be something to do with the 87 billion that the jews have extorted from the German people,people who had nothing whatsoever to do with the unpleasantness that occured in thier past, and how much longer must these people continue to pay?
Why is it that the jews have greater victim status ,than the countless other dead,who never seem to be mentioned?
The more that reasonable debate is suppressed the more the whole issue begins to stink,we are being lied to , on a grand scale,and the best discription of the whole affair is holohoax!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Each tribe and race of people has been alloted ,by the creator,thier own lands and culture to share with thier fellows,to make the best of such resources as they have,for thier own enjoyment and prosperity,according to thier views of what constitutes thier common good.Humans by nature gather together with those ,with whom it understands and feels most comfortable with, sharing common genetics to breed more of thier particular kind ,and ensure thier continuance through thier children.This is normal the whole world over and has been tested in the fires of evolution.
But today there are some people with a misguided sense of righteousness, who seek to blend all of gods creations into one amorphous mass,with no human heritage or reason for being.They pretend that noahs ark is actually feesable,that the lion will lay down with the lamb and all will be harmony,conveniently forgetting our origins and that nature has plans of its own,and is indeed red in tooth and claw.
In England,we have been invaded,wholly against our wishes,by foreigners who seem to think that the world owes them a living,and what is thiers , is thiers, and what is ours is also thiers,that some imagined wrong centuries ago gives them every right to loot,defile and destroy our culture and way of life,murder and degrade our people,push them out of thier ancestral homelands,simply because they lack the moral fiber and determination to make thier countries fruitfull and decent places to live in.
We have few natural resources,what we have achieved, has been accomplished, through centuries of cohesion,co-operation,organisation and our own intelects,discovery and invention,unemcumbered by religious taboos or superstition,and of this we can be, and are truly proud.Our forefathers laboured long and hard to give us the basis for our civilised culture and technological progress.It is western europe that has shaped the world and given its people the freedom and security to grow and blossom, it is the europeans who are taking the first steps into the universe,and yet we are now expected to stand aside and let foreigners reap the rewards of our forefathers dilligence and tenacity,and allow our descendants to be submerged beneath a tide of illiterate greedy parasites, who incapable of performing these same feats , flood into our country ,pretending that they are equally intelligent and know everything about running an advanced civilised state,and when they can not get thier own way berate us as racists!Where are the muslims welfare states?where are the negroes satalites orbiting the earth?thier literary giants?thier scientific geniuses?thier inventions?thier artistic masterpieces?
The white civilised world has absolutely nothing to be ashamed of,white guilt , racism,are just stupid words to frighten children with,who lack the mental fortitude to reason,what kind of fool weeps because the romans had slaves,why should i feel in any way responsible that negroes were slaves hundreds of years ago?We owe them nothing,that they were ever in that situation is entirely due to the greed of thier own people and thier own inate stupidity.Even when they are handed a prosperous going concern such as south africa with its enourmous natural resources,they are unable manage it properly, as anything that requires continous effort is completely beyond thier abilities,after blaming the dreadfull white racists for thier own incompetence,they make a mad dash to the west with thier hands out demanding that we feed them, all the time insulting us with accusations of how badly we are treating them.
The muslims,who we are told , are such a tremendous benefit to our country,and who come here "for a better life"does nothing but leech and complain,deal drugs and rape our women, refuses to fit in,and seeks to impose upon us the vile filth and brutality that he professes to be escaping from,these diseased psychopaths are not fit for civilised society and must be expelled at the earliest oportunity,to practice thier mummery back where they came from,why should my taxes feed,clothe,house and attempt to educate a foreign race that wishes to kill me and my countrymen, it is plainly against our interests as a nation.No Englishman you have nothing to feel guilty about,it is in no way your fault that these parasites can not stand on thier own two feet,they are stealing your money and the future prospects of your children,close ranks,boycott thier businesses,you will soon be free of rats if you stop feeding them, rejoice in your uniqueness and your great country, no-one has given the world what we have,and it is certain that no negro or muslim will even come close ,they are not your countrymen ,resist in everyway you can ,and we will triumph in restoring our country to its rightfull nationalist!

Sunday, January 14, 2007


In two-thousand and eight,when the queen completes her sixth and final act of treason against the English people,by signing the last part of the european protocols,we will have had our last general election,as with a stroke of the pen,she will commit what remains of the powers left to westminster,to the unelected polit bureau in brussels.
This body will then dictate to us the future course of our lives,no more parliament,for it will become surplus to thier requirements,since all the illegal unrepresentative regional assemblies are already in place awaiting thier moment to seize power,albeit rejected in the north east referendum,these unelected regional assemblies have been in existence since 1999 in secret, quietly entrenching themselves,siphoning off our poll taxes,and clearing the way of democratic obstacles,at the bidding of thier masters in brussels,each member more than eager to do thier bidding,for the great opportunity to get thier snouts in the overflowing euro-trough.
The political parties , that lied and mislead us for the past fourty years ,will at that moment become defunct,for any vote that is taken in the future will be for cosmetic purposes only and meaningless,as we can neither vote the commissars in or out,only two parties will be allowed to exist,and it will come as no surprise that both are pro eu.Much like the soviet union,voting will be meerly pretense,to ensure the continuance of those in power,for there will be no-one else to vote for.
If you are waiting for a referendum upon this issue,you will be sorely dissapointed,for 80% of the previously rejected constitution,has already been implemented in secret, and we are already subject to it.This is why our armed forces have been allowed to run down to virtual insignificance,our common law has been superceeded by corpus juris,because our judiciary now take thier orders from the "european courts of justice",which is why so many dangerous criminals are allowed to go free to commit further crimes against us,as they have more "human rights" than the average law-abiding citizen.Parliament has surrendered all rights on immigration,to choose who is allowed into our country,all the waffle that you hear from "our" politicians about deportation ,is just that,waffle, as too is the tripe concerning integration,as the muslims in particular,have an agreement with the eu, that they shall not be forced to integrate,and shall be allowed to set up thier own communities without interference from any governments,and we as our part of the deal will recieve,yes you guessed it, violence and murder and the subversion of our society and culture,the despots in brussels have decided that we do not have enough of these tribesmen ,so they are planning to fill our country with another 10-15 million of them,as our culture needs more "enrichment"since not enough of our people have been raped ,robbed or murdered,but our elected cowards have no power to refuse since maastricht, another of our treasonous monarchs signatures,and she will be the last to reign,and a good thing too,as this untrust-worthy liar has broken every one of her coronation oaths, that she made before god and her people in westminster abbey in 1953.
If this brave new totalitarian world, were legitimate,of benefit to the people of this country,and economically necessary,why has there been all this secrecy,lies, and dis-information for the past fourty years from successive governments?Why has bliar in collusion with our monarch repealled the laws on treason? is it through fear that they could finnish up at the end of a rope?
After a thousand years are we incapable of ruling and governing ourselves,that we must disgard a system vastly superior for the imposition of a system of third rate corruption?
We now hear another liar, brown, with no mandate from the English people,as he was elected in scotland,saying that we must preserve the union of 1707 ,but he will not tell you that with the signing of part six,it will automatically be disolved,as will the monarchy,parliament,the uk as a whole, and England in particular,to become just regions,with no identity,no counties,awash with every parasite from the most primitive parts of the world,no rights to govern our own affairs,just a cheap labour back-water for business to exploit,and no right to protest its loss,as you will be hauled off to a foreign country,flung in jail untill they can find something to prosecute you for,is this the way England ends? not with a bang but with a whimper?will you condemn your children because of your selfish lazyness?all you have to do is stand up, throw off these illusurory shackles,say never, and vote nationalist!

Thursday, January 04, 2007


This country,England,belongs to the English people , who over the many centuries have made a commitment in effort and blood ,to ensure its continuance as a decent civilised society, both for themselves and thier posterity.
This nation did not suddenly spring into being,as some virgin territory,unpopulated,to be peopled ,by disparate races who through thier indolence and lack of moral fiber have made themselves unwelcome in thier own countries ,who instead of working for the improvement of thier countrymen and thier homeland, scurry abroad with a host of excuses,to become parasites upon anothers hard work and civic organisation, it took long ages of co-operation and political enlightenment to achieve some semblance of a civilised society,where the weaker members were cared for by the strong,and guranteed them thier just rights.
This country is not a multi-cultural one, however hard the traitors in high office ,pretend and try to foster such a lie,it belongs to the English people,who through the deceit and duplicity of greedy men,have been forced to endure all manner of backward ,uncivilised , ignorant criminals ,being forced upon them,under the pretext that they come for a better life,and so it is ,for them,but we are the ones paying the price,both financially and socially and at the cost of the future of our children.
Despite the lies and purile propaganda of the ruling cabal , the English people are the majority, in this thier country,and yet they are ignored,all we constantly hear is what foreigners like or dislike,approve of or condemn,when it is the wishes of the English people that should be paramount in any decisions on the future of thier country,but they have been marginalised,bullied,threatened and brainwashed by interminable propaganda,to make them cowed and afraid to express what in all justice is thier god given right to self -determination.
Where is the benefit to the ordinary Englishman ,his wife and family,as hourdes of unwanted foreign savages loot our country,killing, raping and terrifiying our old folk,putting ordinary man out of work,so that these barbarians can take thier livelyhoods,for no rational reason other than it is in the interests of the already wealthy,who can not bus these slavic scum here quick enough.
Where is the benefit to our people, of our once orderly streets being filled with subnormal miscreants who hide thier faces ,while calling for our deaths,who constantly insult us , by telling us that they are taking over and that we no longer matter,and we must live as they decide according to thier primitive medieval superstition.
Will your children and your grand-children ,thank you for doing nothing to prevent thier enslavement to a filthy alien cult, or thier subjugation to undemocratic rule by marxist despots in brussels,whom we can not vote out of office,since they were never elected in the first place.
Are you happy to pay inordinate ammounts of money,your taxes to free-loading negroes,who were never slaves, but see your government inflicted guilt as an easy way to recieve money for nothing, are you happy that these animals can kill at will and the police "in the interests of community cohesion"turn a blind eye? will you for once vote in your own interests,instead of the decietful dogmas of the established political parties?Talk to your friends,talk to every-one, stir them up and let us change things for your benefit,instead of pandering to savage foreign "sensitivities".
This is your country, take it back from the criminals who care nothing for you or your childrens future, vote nationalist , while there is still time, before your nation disappears forever!