The public good
What does a man want,but peace,security and an order of things in which these may thrive,yet in these days we see the exact opposite, crime and violence are our constant companions.No man is safe either upon the streets, going about his lawful buisiness nor even in his home, his danger is ever present,what has brought this perilous state upon us that so quickly has changed our peaceful land to the semblance of a vicious jungle, where only mindlessness and violence reigns?.
It is "government"or the abuse and corruption of it that has engineered this horror, coupled with moral cowardice and fear.Who can say when this evasion of civic duty began, perhaps it was always lurking in the shadows of our political system,and certainly governments in this or any other country have never been benevolent towards thier people,indeed the English have never needed to be governed,all that they needed was a body to promote and safeguard thier affairs,but never before have they openly blamed the people for thier own suicidal shortcommings,only now when they have abandoned us to a politically imposed fate,nay genocide, through thier sheer incompetence,as they rush to the lifeboats of wealth and power, while condenming us to drown in a sea of the worlds violent ,savage filth, do we see thier true colours, for they no longer work in our interests, but in thier own.
The cost to the English people, in financial and civic terms is incalculable, they have become a luxury that not one of us can afford,for what benefits have they individually and collectively brought to the ordinary Englishman, thier collossal appetite for wringing our hard earned tax money from us , is only surpassed by thier willful neglect of the needs and rights of the English citizen.They secretly conspire against our nation with foreign powers , who seek the utter destruction of our whole way of life,and the dismantling of our institutions because they are far superiour to anything that has been created on the continent and they would interfer with and oppose the machinations of the totalitarian european cabal,and if treason were not enough,they are forcing us against our will to accept, brute savages from every part of the world,as our fellow countrymen, but try as they might this will never happen, for we know who we are, while immigrants are trying to be who they are not,Englishmen are not created by a piece of paper, but by the blood of our ancestors, which is neither negroid, nor asian,but caucasian anglo-saxon.
This influx of foreign parasites has brought nothing but misery to our people and its superior culture,which has absolutely no need of any kind of primitive "enrichment""vibrancy"or any other kind of superstitous mumery, idolatry or veneration of a homicidal paedophile.
Where did the notion that we civilised people owe them anything, come from, it came from treasonous politicians,whos aim is to dilute our bloodline so extensively that no-one can claim the country as his own, owe alligeance to nothing and be rendered politically impotent,just another ignorant tribe for the elite to rule.Tollerance has almost destroyed us,we give and they take,giving nothing in return but brutal murder , theft and the oppression of the indiginous population, by the means of government quangos that dictate how we must live, what we are allowed to say and make no mention of our culture lest it offends those noble savage sensitivities.
The cause of all the peoples hardships stem from a morally weak and corrupt administration,we must remove them while we still can, preferably by the ballot, but if not by the bullet.You the people must stop voting for the lib/lab/contrick, you are just hastening the end of our nation and encouraging the traitors to pour even more foreign filth into our country for you to pay for,have your daughters raped by,and our old folk murdered and terrorised and left to die in poverty.A vote for these scoundrels is a vote for the extinction of our people,and it is the organised theft of our future,how much longer will you just sit back and let them ride roughshod over all your rights and cherished freedoms,use your vote for a party that has your interests at heart,a nationalist vote is your only hope of a descent life,free from the oppression of parasites who seek to steal from you that which he is incapable of providing for himself by his own efforts,free from senseless interference from a corrupt government, free to be who you are in peace, in your own country,and free to be proud of it.