

Can any-one now doubt that the unelected marxist swine intend to destroy our nation and make the parasitic muslim scum our overlords?Did your fathers and grand-fathers die horribly to make this country fit for muslims to live in,have we spent a thousand years evolving a system of laws based upon reason and common sense ,simply to hand over the fruits of our endeavours to our mortal enemies and allow them to obtain a bloodless victory?No we have not,we are made of sterner stuff than that and WE are the proud possessors of a civilisation and a history that is the greatest that the world has ever seen and we will not allow it to be trampled by the filth of islam.
At present the muslim lackeys who treasonously purport to be our administration,are engaged in all muslim countries ,grovelling before them in abject terror,pleading that they do not attack our country,while in the birthplace of our democratic parliamentary system,another muslim placeman threatens both the lords and commons with violence if they do not obey his edicts,and at his behest refuse addmittance to our country of a european member of the nederlands parliament who had the impertinence to voice an opinion contrary to the totalitarian demands of islamo-fascism on the flimsy grounds that it will cause social unrest.It needs hardly to be said that it is not the indigenous population that will perpetrate violence and civil discord should MR Wilders arrive here,but the unwanted parasites that infest our country and make a civilised way of life impossible.
How long will the English people allow themselves to be intimidated,reviled and abused by this foreign fascist minority,and displaced from thier rightfull inheritance,by a minority who have absolutely no intention of living peacefully in our lands,who have not the slightest respect for our laws and customs,who have not come here to share but only to dominate and subjugate a civilised English nation,and force it,through unspeakable violence to conform to its brutal primitive tennets.
Englishmen,the muslim is intentionally destroying every facet of your way of life,for islam can not tollerate any pluralism,it seeks absolute power over every aspect of your life,yes it will lay dormant until it regards itself as strong enough,and we are begining to see it flex its muscles,for it is almost unopposed and aided by our corrupt administration is making rapid headway in the subjugation of our island,sharia is in operation in many parts of our land in total opposition to our established laws and customs,and in saudi arabia a woman is in jail for being the victim of a gang-rape ,although pregnant with one of her abusers child, has been sentenced to be lashed as soon as she is delivered of the child,truly they are merciful.Do you wish this kind of abomination in this country,severing hands and feet,hanging queers,genital mutilation and the rest of the mentally ill garbage that comprises islam.
Englishmen there must be a total boycott of all muslim businesses,ignore them in banks etc,go to a white teller,do not even give them the time of day,for they are abject scum and they will kill you without a second thought if you do nothing to oppose them.
The communists do not lead the working man nearer to his goal,through any altruistic motives,but to use him to secure thier own political power and make themselves his master.Throughout every revolution of the past two-hundred years,they have decieved him for thier own purposes,and by the time that he realizes that for all thier tediously long meaningless tirades,expressions of solidarity and promises of decency and freedom are meerly to divert his attention from what is really happening,he has been enslaved once again,his revolution was just to enable a new tyrant to take the place of the old one,and his new masters are worse than yesterdays,it is too late,and again he has been robbed of his prize.
Look around at all of the very wealthy communists/socialists,whos high life is funded by the ordinary working man that they purport to care for,but in truth revile,and cynically use to amass even more wealth,have they improved your lives one iota?no they have squandered your future and that of your decendants,and made your lives significantly worse.in fact once they have hijacked your revolution and seized power,they care not one jot how many "peasants"that they murder,starve or imprison to gratify thier own megalo-mania.
Communists/socialists are an opportunist political class who have rarely experienced an honest days work,they are parasites,who live at the expense of the community,usually on the dole and benefits,or with various scam "charities",whilst advocating the destruction of that which maintains them.Communism is a serial flawed failure,a disaster to ordinary people wherever and whenever it has been put into effect,and it brings to the people nothing but repression,exploitation ,and a worse existence that they had before,and are more dangerous to the ordinary citizen than all of the monarchies that have previously existed.Despite the obvious fact that communism has signally failed,all of the countries where it still exists can only keep this ideology in place by violence and repression,abusing thier own peoples human rights and dignity,and yet all of the "administrations" of the western world seem intent upon re-establishing this disgusting abuse of mankind in thier hitherto free democracies at the behest ,and overwhelming bribery of the tyrants of brussels and the very rich jews of the bilderburg/illuminati sect.
These corrupt elitists now imagine that they and they alone have the right to order our lives according to thier own purposes of greed and domination and absolute power,they do not have the slightest concern for humanity,indeed they intend to exterminate five sixths of the world population,through wars,disease,poverty and starvation,they poison your food with toxic addatives,and seek a state of chaos by willfully subverting your elected representatives with bribery to prevent them from taking common sense measures which would improve the peoples lot.
But we can prevent this tyranny if only we look to our own people and stand together in unity.This current unrest and opposition to foreign workers stealing our jobs is a good begining,provided that the people think for themselves and do not allow the corrupt unions to sabotage thier efforts by taking over the leadership of this movement,these unions have had decades to prevent this innundation of foreigners and are now only acting in order to retain thier power and positions,it is these same unions that fund the corrupt marxist "labour"party that instigated this mess in the first place for thier own political purposes,which is to keep the people divided and powerless ,easy prey for a totalitarian regieme.This unrest must become nationwide,for unless we act now you will not have a job anyway,already we construction workers have been replaced with poles,russians and the dregs of eastern europe,who we are told come to better thier lives,but it is never mentioned that it is at the expense of our livelyhoods,our families,our children and the nations future,we are tired of being pushed out,insulted and vilified ,being asked if we have the right to work in this country by greedy employers,WE the English people have every right to every job in this country,and do not let this marxist scum tell you any different,We the English people have every right to every house in this country and we the English people have every right to live in a nation of our own ,it is called ENGLAND,and no-one can take away what is ours if we are prepared to fight for it.