Thursday, April 22, 2010

Our last election?

It is a real tragedy to see our once envied democratic system,reduced to a television show,where the biggest embarrasment wins and the children who were once adults,applaud in frenzied idiocy.Policies are there none,just a surfeit of deception,arrogance and cynicism.Meerly a game for wealthy interests to play,and the only losers are the ordinary people,whos trust has been completely betrayed.
The ordinary English people,neither ask for or expect much,just a job,somewhere for families to live in safety,in thier own country.Our lives in general do not amount to much,we live as we always have,on the crumbs that are brushed unwanted,from the tables of the wealthy,"tyrants are not found among men who eat bread,but at the tables of those who eat rich dinners",very little has changed since those words were spoken over two thousand years ago,the people still bleed and starve,are used and exploited,still robbed of thier democratic voice.
How is it that ordinary lives have been denied thier rightfull progress,if not for the machinations of the obscenely rich?We should be standing in the warming glow of the sunrise of a new century,that streams through the stained-glass,of the cathedrals erected to reason,hope and the freedom of mankind,yet here we are,still on our knees being spoon-fed lies and distortions by those who subjugate us,poisoning us with thier greed and fear,using up our lives in the pursuit of thier own agrandizement.We are bought,sold,jailed and killed,upon the whim of those who regard us as thier slaves deprived of the sunlight of our inate freedom,our old and infirm are hastened to thier deaths,while our young are robbed of thier right to knowledge and indoctrinated with a failed brutal idiology.
This must be stopped,but it can only be stopped when western man shoulders his responsibilities to his kin,his country and his universe.He must cleanse his soul and restore his values,to those befitting a free man,the universe did not design us to crawl upon our bellies as the slaves of lesser men,we are imbued with intellect to enable us to reach for that which we can not yet see,not the cheap trinkets that the wealthy sell you,force you to desire and crave,and work like a dog to pay through the nose for,these are the things that keep you ignorant,these are the chains that keep you restrained,these are the furnishings of your cell.It is upon our collective will,the will of western man, that the progress of this world depends,and his Renaissance begins with the revivication of our political systems and structures,which can only be accomplished within his own mind,by thinking for himself,and for this he must cut off the media,which vomits hatefull conditioning directly into his mind,stiffling his free-will,castrating his nature,removing all autonomous decision and freedom of action,if life is to be worth anything at all,he must take it in his own hands.
This odious gang of criminals that you continue to elect,have any of them improved your lives?Is there anything that the ordinary Englishman can honestly thank them for?Are you healthier ,happier for all of the trillions of pounds that they have extorted from you,and continue to extort?We do not have three or more political parties,we have one communist repressive state.All of them are pro communist eu,pro immigrant,pro disspossession of the English people and none of thier apparatus is directed to your interests,just thier own.The liberation of your minds,bodies and futures,begins with your choice of the party that will protect England and the union of the british isles,there is no other issue as important,upon your choice,depends wether we as a people ever have any voice in our country ever again,already the communists declare that there is no such nation as the English,no country called England,no history,no future,just unending third world brutal violence and domination by a foreign parasitic religion.
Do not make this the last election by the English people,make it the first of a new bright future for our people,so that we together ,without foreign interference,can re-make our country the way that we the English people want ENGLAND.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Who speaks for us?

We the English people,are at present enduring hour after hour of lies,misrepresentation and half truths from criminal traitors,masquerading as your elected representatives,who pretend,for the sake of thier bank balances and thier psychopathic egos,that they represent the interests of the indigenous people of England,though nothing could be further from the truth.
They need the veneer of "democracy" to delude the people into legitimising thier theft of our right to decide our future,to impose thier particular political dogma upon us,for once elected,they have no further use for us,and we have no further control of the political process,which is the failure of our political system,which freely encourages all parties to persue thier narrow agendas,to the exclusion of the peoples rights.The welfare and wellbeing of the indigenous population is immediately discarded upon election,if it was ever considered to begin with,and the power criminals proceed to defraud our state reserves and patronise thier business associates with lucrative contracts,the proceeds of which mysteriously find thier way into private accounts of party coffers.
So who speaks for us,the ordinary honest English people,the resounding answer is no-one,it is as if the indigenous majority is unworthy of any representation at all,as if they do not exist and have no legitimate right to,they are meerly grudgingly tollerated,but unrecognised,thier sole purpose is to provide taxes and fines,that are instantly squandered to fund a plethora of foreign parasite organisations,that grow fat to bursting upon the industry of the unmentionable indigenous English people,sucking the life-blood from our economy and channeling the proceeds to thier own foreign ghettoes,where it is actively used to destroy our country and way of life,disenfranchising the English people inch by inch,stealing our heritage with the collusion of the tri-axis mafia.
This mafia,this anti British raj,has arranged between them,the political agenda,so as to give no place to the English peoples legitimate concerns,for if all three of these criminal organisations,deliberately ignore certain issueswhilst preaching about anything except these issues,with the collusion of the establishment press,the peoples grievances are effectively suppressed and never recieve the publicity that a healthy democracy thrives on,and are left with only those issues that the three criminal parties wish to talk about or persue,which is diametrically opposed to any system of democracy that i am familiar with,and is simply a way of denying a proper constitutional outcome,in thier own interests.
When the multutude of third world wogs do not get thier own way,we have riots and destruction,followed by intense discussions with thier "community leaders" to rectify thier grievances,ususally by placating them with millions of your hard earned taxes,to the detriment of the majority indigenous population,but when the majority English population express thier legitimate grievances,it is instantly condemned as racism,and generally followed by a period of incarceration.
The fact and the problem is that ,we the indigenous population have been divided and isolated,by a process,begun by thatcher,and fed anabolic steroids by the communist party,that pits each man at his neighbours throat,into being more suspicious of our own countrymen,than we are of the degraded filth that has been allowed to invade our country,as part of the communist agenda.Divide and rule is as true today as it has ever been,and our countrymen seem convinced that thier kinsmen are indeed thier enemies,which is a victory for those that wish to destroy us.
Until the ordinary Englishman stops believing the communist propaganda,and stops treating his fellow countrymen as enemies,there can be no progress towards any of the vital interests of the English people,as with a disease the anti-bodies must coalese to fight off the infection,so must the body politic of the English nation,it is of no use hiding,pretending that this is not real,for very soon there will be absolutely no-where to hide,the communists will see to that.Can you not see that there is increasingly no room for the English people in England?and if you continue to fight amongst yourselves,within the next few years you will be no more?
Do not deluded by these meaningless "manifestos",they meerly describe the shape of the cell that you will be chained in,all three say only one thing,dispossession at the hands of the eussr with the connivance of the communist criminals,for they have given away that power that you gave them,that rightly belongs to you,your freedom belongs to you it is not derogated from these communist perverts,assert your freedom,join with your countrymen,together we will restore our country to the democratic civilised nation it was before it was wounded by the deluded arrogance of these depraved communists,one nation,one England,where English people live,in civilised peace.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

We constantly hear,from the "establishment authorities",those bodies which constantly interfere,in the daily lives of ordinary English people,for thier own political objectives,that whenever friction arises between indigenous English people and the venal foreign parasites who have invaded our country,that these savage retards,"have a right to be here",but exactly where does this "right" spring from?surely not the indigenous English population,since 80% of them do not want any of these violent criminals in our country,so it must be the administration that dispenses these "rights".If the majority of the English people are against immigration,and the administration are for immigration,then the administration is operating counter to the wishes of its people and is therefore illigitimate,treasonous and conducting the peoples business in the interests of its own personal agrandisement,to the benefit of a clique of profit motivated clients,whos interests lie in the exploitation of the ordinary English person.In bestowing these "rights" that it does not possess,it is usurping the soverignty of the English people.
We do not live in a country "owned by",the personal property of, any administration that contrives to use these offices to increase thier already obscene wealth,we live in a country wholly owned and belonging to the indigenous English people,and said people have never given the executive any mandate to give thier country away,therefore the administration has assumed perogatives,that it does not possess,is not entitled to,and act against the wishes of the English people,which in any country on this planet is known as treason.
We do not employ them to destroy our livelyhoods,our country, our culture or our childrens future,and thier descendants,we employ them to administer the business and affairs of the english people,to protect the english people,to improve the lives of the English people,nothing more.
Now here we are in a situation,where we have been defrauded of our inherent natural rights,our country plundered,its people delivered into the governance of a foreign communist totalitarian state,completely against the wishes and needs of its people,who now assume that they have these same "rights" that our administration usurped,and from all points of view are invalid,because the English people have been deliberately prevented from establishing its democratic wishes.
Plainly we no longer live in a democracy,the tri-axis parties have only one policy to offer to the English people,which is dispossession from our country,eradication of our culture,and dilution of our genetics until we cease to exist as a distinct people.
Will you continue to allow these criminals to compass your destruction?will you continue to swallow thier lies and propaganda untill they have stripped every power from you that you have,are you content to have tribes of maurading savages killing your ageing parents,raping your daughters,and draining the last of your wealth to pay for thier criminality,are you ENGLISHMEN?